British Comedy Guide

Hello from Something


My name's not really Something but I stared at the registration screen for ages without having any inspiration about what username to choose. I could've used my real name but the registration form insists on four or more letters. On the basis that it's better to write "something" rather than nothing here goes.

There's a conveyor belt in my brain which serves up ideas every few hours or so - usually when I'm asleep. I woke up this morning and there was the latest one. I should write a sitcom. The subject was there and everything. Now "all" I have to do is write it.

I found this forum and you seem like a very friendly, helpful bunch so, after having a good look around for the last few hours, here I am.

Looking forward to getting to know you and joining in the discussions.

Hi Something. Welcome. I'm pretty new here too. Can't wait to see some of your stuff.

Hi Leevil

Thanks for the welcome. I can't wait to see some of my stuff too - when there is any. :D

I think the biggest problem I'm going to face is being remote from British popular culture. We can only subscribe to British TV channels showing ancient stuff or buy DVDs and have them posted (expensive, and disappointing if they're not to our liking). Maybe we can get some pals to video some things for us. There's gotta be a way around it.

I liked The Office, but we showed it to an American pal and he hated it. British humour is very different! I know it's old but I still love Father Ted. And I like a lot of Little Britain, but it took me a while to get into that.

I don't think you have to worry about being so remote from British pop culture.

Surely you would want to write something that would be timeless? Don't worry about current references as in a couple of years it would be out of place.

Take Father Ted. I can't think of many, hardly any references it makes to pop culture.

Worry about your characters, make them human, the emotions, reactions and relationships is what your audience will relate to, not the latest big brother winner.

If you're not from the UK originally, you have the opportunity to look at our culture and show it to us, there will be things we wouldn't notice, that would stand out to you, take that and characture it.

The advice I've read many many times, it to write anything and keep writing, you will stumble onto something great.

Just have fun, good luck.

Again, thanks for your reply.

Yep, I see your point about references to too much popular culture - the sitcom would become dated very quickly. It's just that there's a trend happening and I need to be more up to date before I can write about some of it. No worries, I have a long-suffering friend in Caithness who is used to strange requests and firing off parcels to various countries. :)

Your comments about other cultures interacting with indigenous British culture were interesting. Some of the British Asians have been very successful at this genre - Goodness Gracious Me! Wonderful stuff.

Perhaps my current place of abode was misleading; I'm Scottish. Just ended up here because the old conveyor belt delivered the idea... so far so good. :D

Do you randomly shout, "Cuddly Toy!" then?

Cuddly toys wouldn't be so bad, even though they're not my scene. It's always life-changing stuff, and I can only spread myself so thinly. It doesn't help that I'm a lazy b@st@rd these days either.

Hello something. I was once in a band called
Something With Badgers. Welcome

Great name. :D Thanks for the welcome.

hi there something, and welcome to the site, don't worry about your name, i once had a cat called Wanker (it's real name was calvin, but wanker was it's nickname) the reason for the name wanker, was so that (in my imaturity) i could go out in the morning and shout "here wanker" and see if i got any replies from my neighbours, ow anyway, it's late and i havent had my horlicks yet, so welcome to the site and hope you enjoy.

Hi Lewis, thanks.

I've just been looking at some of the profiles - there's some great stuff!

Is it not better to say Nothing than Something for Something's sake?

Something can be improved on. Nothing can't. :)

An excellent retort.

Quote: Something @ February 18, 2007, 1:37 PM

Something can be improved on. Nothing can't. :)

Can't polish a turd though. ;)

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