Hi All,
I have tried this before but I notice an increasing number of midlands based writers posting on here of late so I am hoping the time may be right. Also, I have decided that for me personally the time is right to put more energy into this.
I want to set up a midlands comedy writers group. Logically Birmingham would be the place to meet - although as I am not based there I am open to suggestions.
The aim would be to meet monthly to do stuff like table readings (sketches or sitcoms) and offer supportive critique and create a forum for individuals to work together to polish their material. I would also be looking to develop something like a sketch troupe to perform some of the material generated either in a recorded form or live. This would either use members of the writing team if they are interested or set up links with local performers/actors.
I have a venue or two in mind, links to a couple of good quality amateur performers, access to good quality sound recording equipment and ideas on accessing video equipment and a wider performing talent pool.
I realise this is not the best time to get people together as we enter the holiday period, but I want to get a drum beat going on this as soon as possible.
PM me if you are interested or want to know more.