Matthew Stott
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:06pm [Edited]
19,296 posts
Quote: Kenneth @ September 3 2012, 12:53 PM BST
In the old days,
Key quote there; things have moved on! (For better or worse)
The Daleks said they find pure hatred beautiful, and that these Dalek's, though completely twisted and uncontollable, were now so full of pure hate that they couldn't bring themselves to destroy them.
To which you can either say, ooh, nice; or guh, new Who rubbish!

Quote: Tursiops @ September 3 2012, 12:57 PM BST
Thirdly how does love, which under Moffatt seems to have replaced the sonic screwdriver as a panacea for all problems, exaclty combat nanotechnology.
It was about trying to hold on to her humanity, and un-Dalek like feelings, as long as possible, that's all. Trying to make her brain fight the effects as long as possible by holding onto a strongly human trait. It was also a trick to get Rory and Amy talking about their situation and bring them back together.
Quote: Tursiops @ September 3 2012, 12:57 PM BST
And, finally, though probably not exhaustively, are not daleks supposed to be quite hot on racial purity?
Meh, this is nothing new-
Blimey, can you imagine them putting something as gross as that in Who these days?!
Quote: Tursiops @ September 3 2012, 12:57 PM BST
Second there are technical issues, such as how Amy suffered no lasting ill effects from the process of physical restrucuring that had caused corpses to sprout maglites and turned Oswin into a tin can.
Well we don't know how far long the process was. It had started to affect her perception, but we saw no signs of actual, physical changes before the Doctor put the wristband on her.
Quote: Tursiops @ September 3 2012, 12:57 PM BST
Think the bit of the show I had most trouble with was the daleks using nanobots to assimilate intruders. First off there is the tiredness of the assimilation trope which retrod the makeover of the cybermen,itself done much better in Star Trek with the Borg.
Again, nothing new in the Daleks using one technique or other to use humans as drones, just a new technique-