SCUMMERDRUMMER: An annoying till man at Somerfield who drums on his till instead of serving you.
SCUMMERDRUMMER: An annoying till man at Somerfield who drums on his till instead of serving you.
Noffle - a clumsy and unsuccessful first attempt at a snog.
Quote: puffinpol @ January 28, 2008, 11:12 PMNoffle - a clumsy and unsuccessful first attempt at a snog.
Awww I like that!! That's good!
Note to self: Ellie likes weird, sloppy kisses.
Further note to self: *shudder*
Note to self: Steal Aaron's notebook
CHINWIGGLE - A spontaneous movement of the chin.
The study of horse breeding, for posh people.
Trickpodger - Accidental insertion of a semi erect penis into a friend or loved one buttox.
FlannalDunk - the wiping of a very gooey and bucket-like vagina after some heavy fornication, "she just did a quick flannaldunk and we were back in the pub in no time"
Lardular -
Quote: Frankie Rage @ January 28, 2008, 11:56 PMLardular - behaviour appertaining to 'Lards'
GAMENDER-Defining you're own words
Quote: Frankie Rage @ January 28, 2008, 11:57 PM
You have to be quick to get one past me as I was telling the Ugandan I was giving my bank details to this morning