Okay, spent some time with this and even when I've given a 'No,' I've tried to as positive and helpful as possible.
Good luck to everyone
Three Ex Husbands and a Vicar - It's well written with a solid plot. The dialogue is good. The characters could be a bit better defined, particularly Mike who comes over as a little bland. I personally don't enjoy the gross-out nature of things but that's just my preference rather than a reflection of the quality of the script. I think that the main problem is that I didn't believe the relationship between Mike and his Mum, I think you need to justify why Mike would tolerate such behaviour because it seems way off character - Maybe
WHO JUDGES THE JUDGES? - The two characters are very, very similar. Very little happens. I know it's difficult because the restrictions of the competition but there needs to be more action. There are some good jokes in here 'What's the meta with you' made me laugh. Unfortunately, by it's nature, it's too self-involved. It raises a smile with me, because I've spent the last year going in for sit-com comps with various degrees of success, but there's a very limited audience for this. - No
THE BRIDES OF PETE-ENSTEIN - I'm torn here. It's a really cliched set up. Girls get together with dumped friend to get drunk, no thank you. The characters aren't particularly well defined. BUT! The plot rattles along and it's got some really, really funny bits and pieces. The bit at the end where the girls try and turn Pete off is inspired ("Men find that really vulgar"). Tighten up the characters of the girls and you're on to something. - Yes
Friends Like These - There is no definition of chracters. All of the friends are interchangable and seem to exist to say funny lines at each other. I'm also not sure what the sitcom is about, will it be about the friends and their social get-togethers, if it his whatch the amount they drink. Drunks are boring. There is some funny stuff in here, so you're off on the right track but you need to create some characters, then put them in this situation and have them react to it based on character - No
ENTER TWINEMAN - Well, you've got too many characters so I'm not sure if they'd put this on. Solid stuff though, good characters, nice ideas. Plot's a bit slight and it takes a while to get going. I think the cleaner could be a bit more worldly wise though and zen, would make him going off to play Yahtsee funnier. MAYBE
THE CENTIPEDE HUMAN - I'm not sure what a Centipede human looks like. Is it something that can be staged? It might be the fact that I didn't understand what a centipede human is that I found it very difficult to understand what was going on with the piece, and I'm afraid I didn't find it funny. You also kill the main charactger, so where is the sitcom? - NO
WHAT WAS THAT? - Really like the title. Great title for Halloween ep. This is difficult. You've got a well defined chracter in Davinia which is good, but I don't like her. I don't really enjoy gross-out, fart humour. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, just doesn't float my boat. So, I think there probably is something here for a lot of people, but not for me. - MAYBE
TRICK OR TREAT - Some really nice dialogue with some decent characters. Could do with more big laugh moments. Not sure I get the premise of the piece though, is it just a Mother and son live together with hilarious consequences. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd punch up the characters a bit more if it is. Plot feels a little light too. - MAYBE
A WOMB WITH A VIEW - Mental. There are some good lines in here, but this is a sketch. Some judicious editing and it's actually a pretty good sketch, you've good mad people bouncing funny/daft lines off each other. But, I don't think it's a sitcom, you've got no characters, just two people saying funny lines to each other, there's no comedy coming out of character or situation. - NO
Café Rico - Decent enough setting that could go places. but I didn't really get a feel for the cafe, is it a big Starbucks affair? Is it a little artsy-fartsy place. The two girls seemed interchangeable so I think you need to work on characterisation. IT's actually a decent little halloween story so well done for that. There's some good humour in here too. I wasn't convinced by the dialogue though, it sounded very laboured and unnatural in places - "Is the shop not busy?" sounds really odd, should be "Isn't the shop busy?" or "Shop not busy?" - MAYBE
THE WITCHING HOUR - Nice one. Funny, characters seem to make sense, I got a bit confused at points but suspect that's me being dense rather than any script problems in this case. Is it a sitcom though? What's the sit? Are Claire and Velvet the main characters? - YES
13 GORMLEY STREET - It's okay. I'm not bowled over. I'm not seeing a lot of character development but there are some funny bits. Again though, where's the sitcom. Is the sitcom about a middle aged, middle class couple? Because that's a bit lame. You've got some decent dialogue in here though - MAYBE
BLACKSTABLE: HALLOWEEN - I like this. Feels fresh. Funny characters. Nice situation, never seen anything like this before so that in itself is impressive. Didn't laugh enough though so I think you need to punch up the dialogue a bit. - YES
Draszic’s Lot - Good premise. I like Draszic as a character and there's plenty of funny stuff afoot. If gets a bit confused in places and the two women seem quite similar to me. Too maynt, props, scenes, and characters for the rules in this trials though, but that's their problem, I'm just reading things and I like this one - YES
FEMME FATALE - Okay, decent enough idea, a bit mad in a good way. I think you could make more of LAPIERRE, he's just coming over as a bit grumpy at the moment but an old, war-embittered, foul-mouthed, prejudiced old French man is a fun prospect. Plot rattles along nicely but I did fin parts confusing...the stuff about being randy I read a couple of times but still can't quite get a handle on - MAYBE
TWILIGHT OF THE BONE IDLE - Yeah, an embittered reference to sitcom trials on the first page is definitely the way to win people over. As previously, I really like the idea of the skull being a character, it just amuses me. How is a 'spiritual self' represented onstage? There's some decent funny stuff in here, and some pretty good characterisation, but there's not really a lot going on and I can't get past how you'd do it onstage. It's nearer a YES than a NO (and it would be a nearer still if it didn't have the trials ref) - MAYBE
KILL BOB - Smart premise. Some nice dialogue. But go to town a bit with the characters. At the moment, they're a bit bland. You could absolutely go to town with God as some overly-jolly, party happy halloween nut...or make him a massive depressive who hates Halloween...just go a bit more mad with it. - MAYBE
PURGATORY - Nice setting, and nice premise for an episode. A self-help group in purgatory is great. I'd spend a lot more time with the group than the initial set up...in fact, I'd probably bin the set up bit with Adam. The group is where the fun happens. I think you could do more with the characters though. You're in purgatory so you've got a huge mix of people to pick from and throw together without having to contrive anything. Have a Texas baptist fire and brimstone priest, salty sea dog, a Parisian drug adict and a member of the Chinese Government...well, not those exactly but you could do so much more with this. - MAYBE
Randolph Carter’s Casebook: The Shadow Out of Outsmouth - This is fine. The plucky helper girl being the brains of the operation thing is a bit cliched but at least she has some flaws. There is too much reliance on anachonisms for gags though. Lose them and you're probably on to something - MAYBE
Red Sky at Night - Halloween Episode - Good stuff. Funny, although the dialogue is a ropey at times (the seven dwarves joke, it's great but it needs some more elegant phrasing). You could use a touch more refining of the characters but they seem suitably distinct in the main. - YES
Separate Parents - "Is that what you’re wearing? Seems a bit vomity" One of my favourite lines I've read today. Nice premise. Characters a bit samey. V. funny though, and nice halloweeny plot. - YES
SHEEPSBERE BAY - Good one. Funny and sillier than most, which is a good thing. A lot to be said for a silly sitcom. Maybe a bit static to begin with, but that's the worst I can think of to say about it - YES
ROY RICHARDS: LETHAL GARDENER - It's too one-off. Unless the premise of the sitcom is that the gardener lives with a couple but doesn't do any work, then where does this go. It's well written, and there's some nice dialogue, but I didn't find it funny enough. - No
The Ghost Partner - You've got an ear for how people speak so you're off and running there but this needs work. It's a decent idea, and I'd say a wife and ghostly husband trying to function together is a fine basis for a sitcom. Problem is though, it's almost all monologue. It's a story being told that should be shown. If I was you, Id' read a few sitcom scripts and get an idea of how they work. You won't see these big chunks of monolgue, people introducing themselves or explaining how they met 30 years ago. It's a sitcom, you need to come in quick with recognisable characters doing funny things in a funny situation - No
The Lord Mayor - Trick but no Treat - Very hard to follow what's going on here. You need to sort out spelling and grammar, I normally couldn't care less. But it made this sometimes quite difficult to read. I think you need to work out your characters a bit more, I couldn't tell who was doing what for what motivation. The Lord Mayor is a good idea, maybe work a simple plot out with him and the assistant and try and define them a bit better - No
The Scare Room - Okay, you can't just call them FM1 and FM2 and not say whether they're man or woman. You have to have characters, with names, with traits that people can relate to. As this stands, there is some fun lines in here but I don't know or care about the people speaking the lines, they're just random voices. - No
THREE IN TOW - Not bad at all, funny stuff. Different characters, some nice ideas. A bit confusing and I can't claim to have followed it the whole way through, but I think that's me rather than the script - Yes