British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 997

DaButt has shown more stoicism than anyone else on BCG

Shame he finally left.

Quote: sootyj @ August 24 2012, 10:50 PM BST

They only carry them as back ups in case the can of pepsi fails.

Laughing out loud

'You brought the Diet Pepsi? Are you mad? That's for black bears, we're up against Grizzlies damn you!...What do you mean it's caffeine free?! You've killed us all you moron!:

Quote: sootyj @ August 24 2012, 10:53 PM BST

DaButt has shown more stoicism than anyone else on BCG

Shame he finally left.

Ditto. It was good to have somebody with a totally different perspective of life.

It's illegal to use diet pepsi on Black Bears incase the asputamine gives them cancer.

Quote: keewik @ August 24 2012, 10:54 PM BST

Ditto. It was good to have somebody with a totally different perspective of life.

And a fairly amazing amount of patience. Yeh I argued with him, but some people were out of order.

Quote: sootyj @ August 24 2012, 10:56 PM BST

Yeh I argued with him, but some people were out of order.

It's that weirdly childish anti-American thing that British adults seem to revel in. An accepted form of bigotry with no basis in fact that's allowed to be propogated because it somehow makes you trendy and liberal. When in fact, it just makes you look like an ignorant tit.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 24 2012, 10:58 PM BST

It's that weirdly childish anti-American thing that British adults seem to revel in. An accepted form of bigotry with no basis in fact that's allowed to be propogated because it somehow makes you trendy and liberal. When in fact, it just makes you look like an ignorant tit.

I don't think it's a uniquely 'liberal' trait to bash Americans, lot's of people do it. Yes, including people you might consider 'liberal'. Most people like many, many things about America.

The US got the second biggest cheer in the Olympics opening ceremony. Nearly as big as the British one. Most UK people like Americans.

FFS sake, people join and leave this place all the time. If he comes back, great, if he doesn't, that's his choice. Don't turn it into some grandstanding toss about misunderstanding of American culture.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 24 2012, 11:02 PM BST

I don't think it's a uniquely 'liberal' trait to bash Americans

True, it's not uniquely 'liberal', there are plenty of other thickos in Britain who also bash America for no other reason then they're told to.

However, trying being a pro-USA British liberal and you'll soon be shunned by the vegan fondling, bicycle shagging, Guardian sniffing elite.

Quote: Badge @ August 24 2012, 11:06 PM BST

FFS sake, people join and leave this place all the time.

I'd expect that reaction from a racist, misogynist, homophobe - so I'm surprised you said it.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 24 2012, 11:09 PM BST

I'd expect that reaction from a racist, misogynist, homophobe - so I'm surprised you said it.

Any reason why you only quoted that part of my post? Is it to misrepresent me? I have no idea. In the misquoted words of John Lennon I just said what I said and it was right. :)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 24 2012, 10:58 PM BST

..ignorant tit.

But therein lies the difference: you can call anyone an “ignorant tit” if you want to.. and that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it.. just as anyone is.. and DaButt was very happy to dish suchlike out, just like you do.. but when it came to taking it, he couldn’t handle it… and he most certainly had it coming. Out of order? No way, Pedro. I've seen far ruder reaction in Critique, from those very same people who now feel the need to criticise such behaviour in others, just because it suits 'em. Hypocrisy? Or just getting out on the wrong side of the yok?

Water off a duck's back.

Quote: Badge @ August 24 2012, 11:12 PM BST

Any reason why you only quoted that part of my post? Is it to misrepresent me?

Well, duh. :P

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 24 2012, 11:12 PM BST

I've seen far ruder reaction in Critique, from those very same people who now feel the need to criticise such behaviour in others, just because it suits 'em. Hypocrisy? Or just getting out on the wrong side of the yok?

I'm not sure why your directing this criticism at me, I was almost always pro-DaButt and pro-America.

If Kenneth stormed off due to the amount of Chinese racism and gay jokes on the BCG, then I would, quite rightly, be viewed as the main perpetrator. (though I hope he doesn't, I enjoy Kenneth's posts)

Honestly though, I think it was more the Mods not taking his complaints seriously despite him being a member on here for years.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 24 2012, 11:02 PM BST

I don't think it's a uniquely 'liberal' trait to bash Americans, at all; lot's of people do it. Yes, including people you might consider 'liberal'. Most people like many, many things about America.

Jeremy Clarkson bashes Americans all the time and I wouldn't call him a liberal.

In fact most of time I've heard it come from the backward thinking, xenophobic, right-wing nationalist little Englanders who still blindly harp on about how Britain is obviously the best bloody country in the whole world and of course America can never ever do anything good simply because it's America.

It especially pisses me off when they say "Oh America is just full of idiots. Yeah of course ALL Americans. Martin Luther King? Utter Idiot. The people who got us to the moon? Morons, naturally. Carl Sagan, Mark Twain and Abraham Lincoln fools who didn't know what they were doing. Why? Because they were American.

It's especially shameful on this site considering America are kicking our royal arses in comedy. We should all be looking up to them as comedy gods.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 24 2012, 11:12 PM BST

I've seen far ruder reaction in Critique, from those very same people who now feel the need to criticise such behaviour in others, just because it suits 'em. Hypocrisy? Or just getting out on the wrong side of the yok?

Water off a duck's back.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 24 2012, 11:19 PM BST

I'm not sure why your directing this criticism at me..

That particular part wasn't directed at you.. but if you want some?

Just to change the subject somewhat - Polish Jersey Murderer, which sounds like a man with a grudge against turtle necks, apparently went on his nutty knife rampage because his wife had an affair.

That would somewhat explain his extreme reaction. It's not an excuse or a justification, but definitely a contributing factor. Plus he was batshit crazy and a foreign.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 24 2012, 11:27 PM BST

That particular part wasn't directed at you.. but if you want some?

You did single me out in your post, whereas I mentioned no names and implied no one in particular with my post.

It is entirely up to you whether you want to drag this conversation down to a personal level. I'd rather you didn't as there is already enough bad blood on this forum.

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