British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 992

Quote: sootyj @ August 23 2012, 12:54 PM BST

nb if the US really wanted to kill Assange or shut him up it wouldn't be hard.

I mean he f**ked off the Taliban, Iran, Israel and probably the RSPB.

If he got pushed under a tube or had a mysterious heart attack. Then there would be multiple suspects (bit like Gerald Bull). Andthat's ignoring the fact that they haven't just had him renditioned like Vanunu et al.

I think the boring fact. Is rather than the US trying to use some bizarre plot involving Wallander and IKEA to get monkey face. He's just too small a fish for them to actually give a shit about.

Or if they gave a toss they could get someone in Equador to whack him for 50 Dollars and 200 Malboro.

Quote: Monster Scum Bag @ August 22 2012, 8:05 PM BST

I swear that second picture is going to haunt my dreams. It looks like some kind of possessed Homer Simpson!

But my question is, who the hell let her get that close to the painting?

She's done it again!

Quote: sootyj @ August 23 2012, 9:03 PM BST

She's done it again!

:D No! There's loads of the little freaks this time!

Love how the disgusted onlooker was called Mr Cummins. Plus, he'd spent a debauched previous (Saturday) evening in Brighton on a stag do - yet he was 'disgusted'.


9 blokes watching and one bloke cavorting?

Isn't Katie Price from Brighton?

Apparently one guy tried to join in!...Class eh?

Unfortunately it can't be attributed to John Terry as he was playing up in Wigan later that day. However, having said that...Brighton to Wigan on a Sunday...4 hours tops....4pm kick off...and this was 9am.


:D OH loved seeing 'Willies Winkey' really not that interesting? Why the interest?

I heard it just looked like he was being carried on Mick Hucknell's shoulders....

Quote: Brian Bickerstaffe @ August 24 2012, 7:15 AM BST

From the article: 'It was like an orgy from the last days of Rome'

Either Mr. Cummins is a time travelling perv or the last days of Rome were really shit.

As shocking as this might be, nothing beats a good donkey ride.

EDIT: I wonder if they caught crabs?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 24 2012, 11:15 AM BST

From the article: 'It was like an orgy from the last days of Rome'

Either Mr. Cummins is a time travelling perv or the last days of Rome were really shit.

Laughing out loud

2 people shagging on a pebble beach while a surrounded by a group of guys watching and trying to join in. Sound like some people might have done some very brief research into dogging and got it slightly wrong...

I'm betting myself five pounds the tabloids went with 'Seaside rocked her world' and the broadsheets went with 'Brighton rocked her world'


Quote: AJGO @ August 24 2012, 12:50 PM BST

I'm betting myself five pounds the tabloids went with 'Seaside rocked her world' and the broadsheets went with 'Brighton rocked her world'

Sea shell rocked

Tide comes in

It's nice to have a hobby, but erm... yeah. :|

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 24 2012, 1:46 PM BST


Oddly enough, her old man has moved out.

I know real babies are ugly too, but couldn't they have made the toys look a bit better than the real thing? Yuck.

Last year when I was at the bank with the baby the woman said that the previous week a woman had come in with a baby who was sleeping and she wanted to open a savings account for the baby etc. And only when they asked the baby's date of birth did she mention that the baby wasn't actually real. yeesh.

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