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I read the news today oh boy! Page 984

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 12:31 PM BST

Can people stop getting their news from Twitter please?

Anyway, I didn't get the "police have reportedly entered the embassy" from Twitter. It was mentioned on a bunch of online news reports.

Quote: zooo @ August 16 2012, 2:01 PM BST

Yep, it's brilliant for finding photos and reports from people who just saw something happen in the flesh.

It's Twitter's greatest strength and biggest weakness. I think I'm against it so much because there aren't any accountable 'gate keepers' and despite living in a tech savvy / media savvy world, people still believe something if it's written down.

Still unsure why the UK is getting a bashing over Julian Assange? It's the Swedes who want him extradited, the Americans who want him prosecuted and the EU forcing us to go along with it.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 16 2012, 1:13 PM BST

Live feed on RT: Link

...from Russia.

nb with Assange. He is wanted by Sweden for an alleged sexual assault/rape. A case in which their prosecutor has made a credible case.
The home secretary I believe has the right to suspend the sovereign nation of any embassy. And Mr Assange has no diplomatic credentials to protect himself.

And if the US wanted to extradite him, why wait till he's in Sweden? Their extradition with the US are rather tougher than ours I believe.

Lets not mistake a suspected rapist for the new Steve Biko.

Quote: Lazzard @ August 16 2012, 2:22 PM BST

...from Russia.

I can't put into words how much I hate Russia Today and the hypocritical way they accuse other countries of suppressing democracy, human rights and free speech.

If you want to have a bit of fun, then read the comments sections on, it's full of angry young Neo-Coms who desperately want the Cold War Russia to return in all it's power and glory.

Quote: sootyj @ August 16 2012, 2:23 PM BST

And Mr Assange has no diplomatic credentials to protect himself.

He does now, he's been granted official asylum by Ecuador.

Yes I saw that. But I mean he's isn't a diplomat etc. So I'm not sure how valid Ecuadorian asylum is. Ironic he's hiding from Sweden a country with one of the world's best human rights records in Ecuadors embassy (who don't have a very good one).
I think we should start putting our tinfoil hats away on this subject.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 2:28 PM BST

I can't put into words how much I hate Russia Today and the hypocritical way they accuse other countries of suppressing democracy, human rights and free speech.

I think it's healthy to hear another side, whatever one may think of it. You certainly get to see stuff that gets barely a mention in the western media: Hilary Clinton being attacked in Egypt, the movements and numbers of US battleships/aircraft carriers in the Gulf, etc. etc.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 2:28 PM BST

If you want to have a bit of fun, then read the comments sections on, it's full of angry young Neo-Cons who desperately want the Cold War Russia to return in all it's power and glory.

Bit like the Daily Mail then, and the Sun etc. etc... and all those YouTube comments from the exemplary and whiter-than-white western masses, forthright in their pure and honest striving for a world of equality and fairness.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 2:28 PM BST's full of angry young Neo-Coms who desperately want..

You don't read your own posts on here, then?

But to present RT's pro-Assange stance as anything but self-serving is a tad naive.
(Not saying you're doing this BTW - but some have)

No Lazzard, I'm not doing that. I'll leave that to every single media outlet that exists, russian or otherwise.

EDIT: Wrote that in a rush, on my way out for nicotiney stuff. What I mean is: show me a media outlet that isn't self-serving.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 2:20 PM BST

It's Twitter's greatest strength and biggest weakness. I think I'm against it so much because there aren't any accountable 'gate keepers' and despite living in a tech savvy / media savvy world, people still believe something if it's written down.

I think you're really against Twitter because you know you'd end up getting sucked in and having another thing you end up wasting time on by checking it every five minutes.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 16 2012, 3:27 PM BST

I think you're really against Twitter because you know you'd end up getting sucked in and having another thing you end up wasting time on by checking it every five minutes.

I visit Twitter once in a while, but I find it oddly unsuckable inable.

Nicklinson loses 'right-to-die' case.

I think it's horrendous that people can be compelled to live against their wishes. The guy from the Royal College of Physicians says it's ok because like an IRA member he could starve himself to death if he really wanted to die. How can anyone think that's preferable to a morphine injection?

I appreciate that in many cases where the mental faculties of the person are diminished, or where the person might feel coerced having the option of asking a doctor to end your life is dangerous, but I don't believe that the only way to negotiate those problems is to remove that option for everyone. Nicklinson is clearly mentally capable of making the decision that he wants to die, and surely a system where individual cases are assessed by experts would be able to ensure that only people who were capable of making the decision freely were allowed to die with assistance.

My great aunt who is dutch took the euthenasia route. And where as it was a strangely sad event I think we all knew she had reached a limit and it was better than the alternative

I think the uk needs someone brave enough to go through with it and challenge the police to arrest them

Quote: sootyj @ August 16 2012, 6:14 PM BST

My great aunt who is dutch took the euthenasia route. And where as it was a strangely sad event I think we all knew she had reached a limit and it was better than the alternative

I think the uk needs someone brave enough to go through with it and challenge the police to arrest them

I can't believe it's never happened before. And I suppose if doctors start taking it upon themselves to help a patient die it would only take one unhappy relative to change the story from "Compassionate doctor helps woman die" to "Psycho doctor killed my Granny"

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 16 2012, 2:48 PM BST

I think it's healthy to hear another side, whatever one may think of it. You certainly get to see stuff that gets barely a mention in the western media: Hilary Clinton being attacked in Egypt, the movements and numbers of US battleships/aircraft carriers in the Gulf, etc. etc.

Russia Today's coverage of what's happening in Syria and their attempt to pour scorn on our Olympics leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I do agree that it's good to get both sides of a story, but having two polar opposite views of the same story can be somewhat confusing.

Quote: sootyj @ August 16 2012, 6:14 PM BST

I think the uk needs someone brave enough to go through with it and challenge the police to arrest them

Harold Shipman gave it a bloody good go. I think if your quality of life is so low and you are in constant pain and can't end your own life, keeping you in agony for your last remaining miserable years is pretty much evils.

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