British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 983

Is it all over? Reports are saying police "have entered" the embassy. How shameful. How revoltingly craven. What a disgusting display of toadying lackeying to Uncle Sam. No different to when Australia joined Bush's invasion of Iraq. Vile.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 16 2012, 9:29 AM BST

Are any of you severely embarrassed by your government's threat to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy and grab Julian Assange? Isn't it time the rest of the world told the US to go f**k itself, and started sucking up to China instead?

It's truly awful.

In truth we should be reminding everyone else of the sanctity of an embassy on UK soil - reminding them not to even think about taking any "action".

Embarrassed is the right word.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 16 2012, 10:33 AM BST

Is it all over? Reports are saying police "have entered" the embassy.

Oh, not yet, as I read on Twotter: "Only entered the grounds of the building. First the government has to de-register the embassy before they can enter. Great example to set to the rest of the world. If only the Ecuadorians had re-designated their embassy as an Apple design, patented it, and hired a dozen or so Apple lawyers, it would have been impregnable."

UK Govt now say they won't grant him safe passage - so unless he's spirited away or lives in the Embassy forever - he's sort of f**ked, isn't he?

Sbmtted a petition to government petition site, but it takes up to 7 days for it to be verified before it goes live! We will have stormed the gates by then. Nice one, democracy.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 16 2012, 9:29 AM BST

Are any of you severely embarrassed by your government's threat to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy and grab Julian Assange? Isn't it time the rest of the world told the US to go f**k itself, and started sucking up to China instead?

Oh yes indeed. Because of course in this day and age genuine journalism is not allowed. "How dare you find out what the government actually does! You can't do that!" It's f**king atrocious. There willing to break all kinds of diplomatic laws to get this one guy. That's how chicken shit scared they are of Wikileaks and truth.

Do you remember that time, a long, long time ago, when we used to be proud of our Western democracy?

Quote: Kenneth @ August 16 2012, 10:33 AM BST

Reports are saying police "have entered" the embassy.

Can people stop getting their news from Twitter please?

I'm pretty sure Assange has a decent network of contacts who will sneak him out of the Embassy and onto a plane.

It's a shame he didn't release top secret government information about the Russians or Chinese, then he'd be shot dead by now and we wouldn't have all this fuss.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 12:31 PM BST

Can people stop getting their news from Twitter please?

Real news is actually posted on Twitter, from proper accounts, not just people gossiping.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 16 2012, 1:05 PM BST

Real news is actually posted on Twitter, from proper accounts, not just people gossiping.

As someone who is slightly addicted to rolling 24 hour news channels, I know that complete and utter crap is ventured forth as 'news' on a continual basis. Twitter exacerbates the rumour as news paradigm to a new level of fishwife gossipery.

Live feed on RT: Link

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 1:11 PM BST

As someone who is slightly addicted to rolling 24 hour news channels, I know that complete and utter crap is ventured forth as 'news' on a continual basis. Twitter exacerbates the rumour as news paradigm to a new level of fishwife gossipery.

Well sure, so it just acts in the same way as TV news.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 16 2012, 1:16 PM BST

Well sure, so it just acts in the same way as TV news.

Except members of the public aren't allowed to write made up gossip on the TV news and palm it off as fact.

If you only get your news from Twitter, then your world view might be slightly askew.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 1:23 PM BST

Except members of the public aren't allowed to write made up gossip on the TV news and palm it off as fact.

Well yeah, that's gossip, which is why you only pay attention to the proper feeds.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 16 2012, 12:31 PM BST

Can people stop getting their news from Twitter please?

Nowadays a lot of news breaks first on Twitter. And it's a great way to find out what's going on when there aren't yet any media reports on a particular issue (obviously one does not read stupid gossip or ill-informed comments by halfwits). Example: a few nights ago I awoke about 3am and noticed a massive fire in the distance. Turned on the 24-hour local TV news channel with its scrolling text: nothing about the fire; so went to 24-hour local news websites and nothing about the fire; called a friend in the police and he knew nothing about it. So went to Twitter, searched for 'fire' and instantly found several tweets (including some with links to newly uploaded photos) about the local plastics factory that was going up in smoke.

Yep, it's brilliant for finding photos and reports from people who just saw something happen in the flesh.

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