British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 981

Quote: Nogget @ August 15 2012, 12:06 PM BST

Yeah, but weren't the Olympics great?


Quote: Harridan @ August 15 2012, 12:30 PM BST


You don't understand; everyone is obliged to 'feel good' now that the Olympics has ended. 'Feelgood' or be damned; society has decreed it.

Quote: Nogget @ August 15 2012, 1:05 PM BST

'Feelgood' or be damned; society has decreed it.

No it hasn't. You're mistaking the lead columns in The Sun and The Mirror for society.

Let's get back to moaning.

Quote: Lazzard @ August 15 2012, 1:16 PM BST

Let's get back to moaning.

Hey, don't include me in that. I loved the Olympics and I loved that it wound so many whiny miserable gits up.

Bicycle thefts in London are up by at least 30% over the last year. So if you insist on riding your two wheeled twunty farthing through traffic lights and on the pavement etc., be sure to lock it up properly.

Quote: chipolata @ August 14 2012, 12:03 PM BST

I see that Dominic Bumbaclart has devised his exit strategy to go and live in the States and suck Hollywood cock for cash.

'Don't blame me' says posh alien actor bloke 'I'm being forced out of my own country for speaking with a plummy accent'. Nice try Cumberbullshit.

Quote: chipolata @ August 15 2012, 1:23 PM BST

Hey, don't include me in that. I loved the Olympics and I loved that it wound so many whiny miserable gits up.

It's not about being a miserable whiny git, if, like me, you aren't interested in sport it has been a pretty unbearable fortnight. The TV has been taken over, the newspapers, the news websites, radio, general conversation - the Olympics has been everywhere. Sport and elections are the only things that do this, and sports DON'T MATTER. Sports are not important - they are a hobby that some people take much more seriously than others. If people enjoy sports, that's great for them, but why should other people's hobbies take over everybody's lives? Why must we all pretend that we enjoy athletics just because some people do? If I forced someone to pay a fortune for a ticket to see a concert they really didn't want to go to (which meant they were missing something they did want to see) and then berrated them everytime they didn't look like they were having a great time I would be a very unreasonable person - but to do it on a national scale is totally alright.

Quote: Harridan @ August 15 2012, 1:46 PM BST

but why should other people's hobbies take over everybody's lives?

As much as I enjoyed your rant, I am a bit confused on exactly how the Olympics took over your life?

There were plenty of other television channels showing all the same useless crap that they show every day of the year, big parts of London had nothing to do with the Olympics, public transport was pretty good, all of the museums, art galleries, cinemas were still open. If you wanted to avoid the Olympics, then it was quite easy to do.

I'd rather watch countless hours of athletic sporting endeavour featuring sportspeople from around the world competing at the highest level then 5 minutes of a dancing dog on BGT. But, you know, I'm a weirdo like that.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 15 2012, 1:37 PM BST

I see that Dominic Bumbaclart has devised his exit strategy to go and live in the States and suck Hollywood cock for cash.

'Don't blame me' says posh alien actor bloke 'I'm being forced out of my own country for speaking with a plummy accent'. Nice try Cumberbullshit.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 15 2012, 1:55 PM BST

I'd rather watch countless hours of athletic sporting endeavour featuring sportspeople from around the world competing at the highest level then 5 minutes of a dancing dog on BGT.

Are those the only options on the table? :(

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 15 2012, 1:58 PM BST

Are those the only options on the table? :(

Yep, you can watch some sport once every four years and have a massive moan about it or watch the latest series of X Factor which apparently starts soon based on the number of adverts for it.

And to paraphrase some comedian bloke: 'X Factor is like the Olympics for women and queers'.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 15 2012, 1:55 PM BST

As much as I enjoyed your rant, I am a bit confused on exactly how the Olympics took over your life?

There were plenty of other television channels showing all the same useless crap that they show every day of the year, big parts of London had nothing to do with the Olympics, public transport was pretty good, all of the museums, art galleries, cinemas were still open. If you wanted to avoid the Olympics, then it was quite easy to do.

I'd rather watch countless hours of athletic sporting endeavour featuring sportspeople from around the world competing at the highest level then 5 minutes of a dancing dog on BGT. But, you know, I'm a weirdo like that.

As I said, it was all over the news, with actual news being put out of the way while more than half of the newspaper just being about sport. BBC News website put actual news at the bottom of the page, radio news and TV news in a similar state. I don't watch much outside of the BBC, dancing dogs aren't really my thing. Museums and art galleries were supposedly busier than usual with olympics tourists and when I phoned up one I was told not to come if I could come after the olympics. I went to an open-air concert on Saturday and the musicians had to battle with cheering and hooting at a massive TV screen that had been erected for the olympics as there were events going on. At one point the musicians just stopped playing and waited until the cheering was finished. It hasn't been as bad as it could have been, but I don't see why I have to pretend it was great and that I love sport, and that it wasn't a total waste of money or else be branded a miserable git.

The BBC should have shown the whole thing on digital only.

As a way of forcing sports mad cretins to work out how to use the redbutton.

It was pretty easy to avoid the Olympics if you wanted to. Read books. Watch DVDs. Go Online. It's two weeks every four years, hardly a massive inconvenience to anyone unless they're predisposed to want to find it an inconvenience.

I don't like Soap operas, X-Factor or Britains got talent, which dominate our media, but I just ignore them and concentrate on other things.

I suppose there is something nice about doing stuff as a nation and sharing experiences.

As oposed to the endless droning culture of the individual.

I enjoyed the bits of the Olympics that I watched, and found it easy to ignore it and do other things when I didn't want to, but let's not pretend that if something we hated had taken over for two weeks in such a way we wouldn't have been posting here moaning about it being everywhere, and that RC wouldn't have popped an organ in fury.

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