Thank you for your questions. We welcome all kinds of contributions as long as it makes us laugh and most things do. Here is the description we have in our facebook group to give you an idea of the kind of thing we like 
Do you love serious, thought provoking journalism? Want to have your voice heard? Want to change the world one hard hitting article at a time? Then this is definitely not the publication for you. Get involved; we are entirely student run and are looking for contributors. As long as what you write amuses us and most things do, we will include your work.
1. Cambridge News - A satirical tak
e on the developments within the University. Mainly looking at things in the student papers and having a good laugh about them.
2.General News - Both at a national and international level. Looking at what’s happening in the world satirizing it, highlighting the craziest bits and also making some of it up.
3.Essential Guides - Funny survival guides on pretty much anything to do with student life or life in general. Some quick ideas, excuses for giving work in late and extending deadlines, essential Latin phrase book of pick-up lines, Corridor Olympics, Fun things to do in lectures and supervisions, Mock fresher's guide.
4.Comedy Writing - Just a miscellaneous section for funny short stories, comment on Cambridge life and everything else.
5.Interviews - Hopefully interviews with famous comedians / comedy writers, finding out what gives them inspiration, how they gained fame, what advice they have for new comedians, what their favourite mythical creature is etc.
If you want to run an idea by me or have any other questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.