British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 974

Can't see it as suicide. He swears she left the house. Did she then creep back in, spirit herself into the attic and do the deed? Apparently ladders were needed for the attic.

Of course hwr being seen alive was rwpoeted by locals

So he might have asked his friends to say they'd seen her ergo she ran away if he got rid of the body

Then more plausible

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 10 2012, 11:14 PM BST

The thing is, one of the two is almost certainly involved. The house has been searched previously, three times, with the last time Wednesday- with dogs. I just can't conceive that (trying not to be too crude) that after five days the dogs would not have smelled something. This suggests that the poor girl was moved in the last two days.

Moved back into house where the police were swarming over everyday, with TV cameras outside it and 100s of members of public about?

You will never make it as DI Wicks.

Quote: bigfella @ August 10 2012, 11:37 PM BST

Moved back into house where the police were swarming over everyday, with TV cameras outside it and 100s of members of public about?

You will never make it as DI Wicks.

Hey I didn't say it was a sensible.or well thought out plan. The other option is that she was there the whole time, and was missed on three occasions. That seems equally unlikely, though of cause possible. There's a chance that the she was moved once it was considered that the police were done with the house searches. Who knows. Beeb did quote the police as saying a priority was to establish how long the body had been in its current location. But they also said they were looking into why three searches proved fruitless. We've only got guesses based on the small amount of reported information.

I feel pretty rotten talking about it so matter-of-factly, but it is a hard temptation to avoid.

Could have put something on the body to deter dogs

Eh? Like what, the essence of vet?

Coffee grounds, amonia all sorts

Lots of CSI watchers, I see.

Lol, I've never heard of the deterring dogs thing.

Quote: Harridan @ August 11 2012, 12:07 AM BST

Lots of CSI watchers, I see.

Beverley hills cop thankyou very much I am old skool

Quote: sootyj @ August 11 2012, 12:00 AM BST

Coffee grounds, amonia all sorts

Or just put the body in a sealed plastic bag.

This conversation turned very quickly from "How awful, a child has been killed" to "I wonder how he stashed her rotting corpse"

Things just got graphic!

Quote: Harridan @ August 11 2012, 12:14 AM BST

This conversation turned very quickly from "How awful, a child has been killed" to "I wonder how he stashed her rotting corpse"

Ha, yep.

Quote: Harridan @ August 11 2012, 12:14 AM BST

This conversation turned very quickly from "How awful, a child has been killed" to "I wonder how he stashed her rotting corpse"

Pessimist we entirely missed out the off colour jokes

Quote: zooo @ August 10 2012, 4:05 PM BST

Holy f**k sacks. A proper brilliant quality panorama of Mars.

I love that but a bit worrying that I can't find it on NASA's website.

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