British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 967

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 6 2012, 9:36 PM BST

They're taking the piss now !

Gutted if they just assumed it was Curiosity but was actually alien spacecraft

you'd probably like those.

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 6 2012, 9:55 PM BST

Needless to say, I've been unable to bring myself to click on this link as I'm sure it'll reveal something hideous. Huh?

Just nice fatty pork.

Very nice but very bad.

Quote: sootyj @ August 6 2012, 9:57 PM BST

you'd probably like those.

"Fiji outlawed mutton flaps in 1999."

That explains why Geri Halliwell couldn't go there.


You horrible sod, she's a UN ambassador.

(hopefully to Syria)

Mutton Flaps !

We're back to Mrs Brady Old Lady !

Here's one for sooty - even after having two separate ceremonies for the victims of Munich, one of the widows is complaining that they weren't featured in the Opening Ceremony.

Yeah, it's heartless and all that, but we were commemorating our own Olympic tragedy with the 52 victims of 7/7 - unless seven dead Israeli athletes are more imporatant then 52 dead Brits.

Of course, one tragedy happened in London the day after we won the Olympic bid, the other one happened 30 years ago in another country involving zero UK citizens. Hmmm, which one to commemorate?


But for what it's worth. No ones criticised LOGOC over the commemorations they've made. They've been publicly gratefully recieved.

It's the IOC; who gave Hitler his greatest propaganda victory and some of the same IOC officials 3o years later barred Black US athletes for making a salute. Who refuse to in anyway recognise the only victims of a terrorist outrage at the games. Because they may offend a handful of nations who fund the self same terrorist organisations that carried out the massacre. Who when the LA olympics proved they could be run at a profit, changed the rules so any country running them since faced a crippling bill.

By all means defend LOGOC they've done a great job under the circumstances. But are you really going to defend the IOC?

Do you even read the articles you ineptly vomit up in a half arsed attempt to start an argument?

Quote: sootyj @ August 7 2012, 12:05 PM BST

Do you even read the articles you ineptly vomit up in a half arsed attempt to start an argument?

Not really, they're so soaked in Zionist propaganda, it's often difficult to find the actual news. ;)

Sorry we didn't make dead Israeli athletes from 30 years ago the centre piece of our Opening Ceremony - happy now? What about all the dead Palestinians, they don't even get a mention. They're not even allowed to have an Olympic team.

In other news: British bank Standard and Chartered has been doing £150 billion deals with Iran. Just how much more evil can these banks get?

And like I said if you read it, you'd have found nothing but praise for LOCOG. It's a protest at the IOC, I think they were looking for at most a few seconds added to his speech.
The IOC has a tendency of being terribly tolerant and sympathetic to the feelings of some of the world unpleasant regimes.

I had a bean burger last night, just to redress the balance. Very tasty it was too.

;) I wondered where the smell came from!

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