British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 964

Loving the Linda McCartney supporting zooo. :D

I eat her products and I really enjoy them but I will never claim they are better tasting than the real thing.

I think Kenneth is making the mistake of comparing a bicycle to a Porsche [insert your favourite car here].

There is a huge problem here in the world where we have got in the habit of mass producing things. And when it would be bloody lovely to buy £15 burgers every time we fancied one. That is not the reality. Frozen/fast food burgers taste that way for a reason. You get what you pay for. There would be no demand if they weren't nice in some way.

You've admitted to being a food snob and that is fair enough. But not everyone has the opportunity to sample the best ingredients in the world. The have to make do with that they got. Real life tends to get in the way most of the time.

Quote: Lee @ August 6 2012, 2:28 PM BST

Loving the Linda McCartney supporting zooo. :D

I eat her products and I really enjoy them but I will never claim they are better tasting than the real thing.

I didn't either though, to be fair!

Personally I hate McDonalds 'food', it all tastes like polystyrene to me. But there again, I'm surprised that Kenneth can talk about healthy eating, and then promote that coronary-in-a-bun.

Quote: Lee @ August 6 2012, 2:28 PM BST

There would be no demand if they weren't nice in some way.

This is the bit some people don't seem to get.
(Of course if you've tried it and don't like it, I do believe you - but they taste good to many people.)

I've never really liked McDonalds, I thought they were very unsatisfying. But I can still taste them to this day. Last time I had one was about 16 years ago? I'm not sure if it's the smell from the discarded boxes down the street. But I can still remember exactly the taste of the sauce. It was nice. But I preferred KFC I suppose. My local KFC kept poisoning people, no idea how it's still there but I gotta tell you it was easy to give them up too.

First time I had KFC it was the driest piece of wrinkled old crap I'd ever eaten, so I avoided it for about a decade. Luckily I tried it again, cos it's yummy. I always get boneless though. Hate trying to eat around bones and tendons and shit.

I hated bones, gristle or anything that resembled or reminded me that it's an animal. I just wanted a slab of pure nondescript meat.

All this talk about bones and gristle is making me feel like become a vegetarian! Sick

If I ever have to start eating meat again, it will be the day they start producing it from a laboratory. Yes, it's bizarre and kinda scary but it will have been designed to have never had any gristly bits, brains or "soul" as it were. Just a piece of flesh.

Quote: keewik @ August 6 2012, 2:50 PM BST

All this talk about bones and gristle is making me feel like become a vegetarian! Sick

Same here!

But then I remember bacon...

Quote: Lee @ August 6 2012, 2:53 PM BST

If I ever have to start eating meat again, it will be the day they start producing it from a laboratory. Yes, it's bizarre and kinda scary but it will have been designed to have never had any gristly bits, brains or "soul" as it were. Just a piece of flesh.

They'll put brains in just to make it seem authentic.

Quote: Lee @ August 6 2012, 2:28 PM BST

And when it would be bloody lovely to buy £15 burgers every time we fancied one. That is not the reality.

It is if you can be arsed to visit the butchers counter.
And for not much more than the price of a Happy Meal.
They are an absolute piece of piss to make.

Quote: Lazzard @ August 6 2012, 3:00 PM BST

It is if you can be arsed to visit the butchers counter.
And for not much more than the price of a Happy Meal.
They are an absolute piece of piss to make.

Yeah but let's say you have a hungry family and you're out for the day. You car has broken down and you have to make the most of it.

You're in a town with a butchers and a McDonalds. It's starting to rain, so going to the butchers to buy some burgers to make a BBQ is out of the question. Oh, shit and you have lost your wallet too. You have a hand full of change. You see a poster in the McDonalds window 99p Happy Meal...


I know what you're gonna say "I'd rather starve".

Quote: Lee @ August 6 2012, 3:05 PM BST

Yeah but let's say you have a hungry family and you're out for the day. You car has broken down and you have to make the most of it.

You're in a town with a butchers and a McDonalds. It's starting to rain, so going to the butchers to buy some burgers to make a BBQ is out of the question. Oh, shit and you have lost your wallet too. You have a hand full of change. You see a poster in the McDonalds window 99p Happy Meal...


I know what you're gonna say "I'd rather starve".

You've described McDonald's to a tee.
Something you only eat when you're absolutely f**king desperate.

Gosh, I'd love it if we had a butchers here...we don't have anything. No bakery either, but we do have a sweet shop...oh and there's the big old shop in the centre of the village that sells woolly hats, itchy blankets, crimplene dresses and sensible shoes, but it only takes cheques or cash. This wasn't great as the only cash machine we had was yanked out of it's socket by a massive digger last year...or the year before...can't remember now. However...the good old Spar has just installed another. It won't last long.

But, anyway, it is really easy to make your own burger, but I think people are so used to the taste of McDs, they wouldn't bother anyway.

I'm still pondering the fact McDonalds sticks a massive yellow clown on a bench outside it's 'restaurants' to let us all know what it's all about. It would seem more fitting to have an angry fat kid in a hoodie with a microscooter and his pregnant 12 year old girlfriend sitting on a bench outside...oh wait...

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