British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 961

Well, they're gonna clean up during the Olympics, what with all the tourists from all over the world. Everyone knows McDonalds and what the food is like. If you're abroad and you're not sure where to eat, you'd definitely choose a name you know.

I love the barbecue sauce...I could drink that stuff...and do. I don't think the staff are too impressed with me sucking it straight from those little taps, but...well...I want my money's worth!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 8:05 PM BST

Reminds me of that old joke about if there were no McDonalds, divorced fathers would have nowhere to take their kiddys.

My ex takes the kids to KFC...and don't I bladdy hear about it every time.

'Dad took us to KFC...why don't you take us there more?'


'Because I'm a crap mum and you deserve better?'
'Oh...that's what dad said!'

Quote: zooo @ August 5 2012, 8:04 PM BST

Ha! I don't eat too much beef cos I likes the cows.

I see, so you don't believe MacDonald burgers are made of beef either.



Quote: billwill @ August 5 2012, 10:05 PM BST

I see, so you don't believe MacDonald burgers are made of beef either.

McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds! Come on, you people are really winding me up now.

And it's Mr. Spock not Doctor Spock in Star Trek and it's called Trivial Pursuit not Trivial Pursuits - there is no pluralisation.

Jeez, now I know how Aaron feels all the bloody time.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 10:21 PM BST

McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds!

You know, I really fancy a MacDonalds now.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 5 2012, 10:24 PM BST

You know, I really fancy a MacDonalds now.

>_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_<

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 10:21 PM BST

McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds! Come on, you people are really winding me up now.

And it's Mr. Spock not Doctor Spock in Star Trek and it's called Trivial Pursuit not Trivial Pursuits - there is no pluralisation.

Jeez, now I know how Aaron feels all the bloody time.

:D :D :D Calm down dear.

Quote: keewik @ August 5 2012, 10:25 PM BST

:D :D :D Calm down dear.

You do know that it's a Scottish name they're getting covered in wrongness?

*R.C. is actually more worried that keewik has either quoted David Cameron or Michael Winner*

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 10:21 PM BST

McDonalds, McDonalds, McDonalds! Come on, you people are really winding me up now.

And it's Mr. Spock not Doctor Spock in Star Trek and it's called Trivial Pursuit not Trivial Pursuits - there is no pluralisation.

Jeez, now I know how Aaron feels all the bloody time.

I take it that you would have Zooo eating McDonalds's Burgers then?

For those now thoroughly confused I just looked at their own website & they refer to them selves as McDonald's

On a serious note, there's a Ronald MacDonald House attached to our children's hospital. It's where parents can stay if their child's in hospital , a godsend if your child is seriously ill and you live far from Glasgow. Think MacDonald gave the funding.

Hope it's not covered in clowns though. Nightmare inducing.

Does anybody actually like clowns, and if not, why are we subjected to them? Actually I know a man who acts as a clown. He's amazingly normal in other ways.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 7:49 PM BST

McDonalds isn't the bestest, but you know exactly what you are going to get every single time. And it's pretty ubiquitous in this day and age.

Absolute garbage. The quality of the fries always varies depending upon their freshness. Sometimes, they have been sitting in the warmer section for ages and are awful. Best to always demand freshly cooked fries. Likewise, the burgers can also become a bit sloppy when left 'heating' for ages. During my younger years, when I drank every single night of the week till dawn, I would often go home via a McDonald's and it was always hit and miss as to whether things would be fresh. The only certainty was that my stomach would subsequently regret having eaten crap.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 7:38 PM BST

I find it incredibly patronising when people who eat yogurt, cottage cheese, ryvita and salads try to lecture me on what tastes good. Worst of all are the vegetarians, who's food is so disgusting or tasteless, they have to throw three squillion spices into it, just so they don't die of boredom.

It tends to be Asians that cover their food in spice because rice and goat gristle are pretty bland. I dined on roast pork, fish and various vegetables last night. Divine. And much tastier than the glumph that is McDonald's.

Quote: zooo @ August 5 2012, 7:48 PM BST

Not that I can't be a snob about some things too, but at least be aware that's what you're being. ;)

I'm aware that I have been a snob since birth. Not my fault if this world is full of ordinary people who think Coke and McDonald's are a tasty treat. Fools. Breakfast this morning was rolled oats with blueberry yoghurt and various tropical fruits. I could have walked down the road to my local McDonald's for a McMuffin and McHash Browns, but frankly, that stuff is revolting and unhealthy.

Quote: Joyce @ August 5 2012, 9:14 PM BST

Everyone knows McDonalds and what the food is like. If you're abroad and you're not sure where to eat, you'd definitely choose a name you know.

Bosh! I have been a foreigner for most of my life, and upon arrival in a new country I certainly don't head for an American fast food chain! Reminds me of backpackers who only ever stayed in hostels with other backpackers, smoked weed and watched MTV all day. And then ate McDonald's when they got hungry.

Quote: keewik @ August 5 2012, 10:47 PM BST

Does anybody actually like clowns, and if not, why are we subjected to them? Actually I know a man who acts as a clown. He's amazingly normal in other ways.

Years ago I worked alongside a clown in London, when we were both working at corporate parties. He was a c**t. I do have a French friend who works as a clown and she is very nice. Most clowns I run into these days at children's parties are harmless and it wouldn't hurt them to learn some decent magic tricks.

Quote: Kenneth @ August 6 2012, 5:38 AM BST

During my younger years, when I drank every single night of the week till dawn, I would often go home via a McDonald's and it was always hit and miss as to whether things would be fresh.


Quote: Kenneth @ August 6 2012, 5:38 AM BST

The only certainty was that my stomach would subsequently regret having eaten crap.

You don't think drinking till dawn might have affected things?

Quote: keewik @ August 5 2012, 10:47 PM BST

Does anybody actually like clowns, and if not, why are we subjected to them? Actually I know a man who acts as a clown. He's amazingly normal in other ways.

I absolutely LOVE clowns...especially the ones that keep you up all night when you really want to sleep!

Here's one of my lodgers...he's just called 'The Clown' by all of us here. He's a lot of fun.


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