British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 959

I ate a BIg Mac meal and I'm still sipping my associated coke. OM NOM NOM.

Well that's hardly bleedin' surprising is it ?

So is it that there are less fake passports or we're just not finding them?

Indeed...the forgeries are getting better.

Quote: zooo @ August 5 2012, 11:46 AM BST

Of course McDonalds tastes good, that's the whole point of it.

You tell 'em zooo! About once every three months, I get this mad arse craving for Micky D's and nothing else will do.

I find it incredibly patronising when people who eat yogurt, cottage cheese, ryvita and salads try to lecture me on what tastes good. Worst of all are the vegetarians, who's food is so disgusting or tasteless, they have to throw three squillion spices into it, just so they don't die of boredom. And vegans have the worst smelling farts too - Factoplasm!

I dunno, I mean McDonalds tastes okay sometimes. I used to like going as a kid, probably the only time now is if I'm a bit drunk and wandering past one I'll pick up some fries. I suppose there's some sort of over-indulgent fatty craving it sates, but it's not like it tastes amazing. You get a much tastier burger and chips at other places. There's this place I go to in Westfield shopping centre called 'Byron' that puts it to absolute shame.

There used to be 'The American Charcoal Pit' on Streatham High Road that blew all the burger opposition away.. plus 'The Trough' on Kings Road. Superb. Anyways..

I knew times were hard in Spain, but: Eh?

Of course everyone has different tastes, and some won't like the taste of anything at McDonalds! But to suggest it all tastes disgusting is just silly and ignorant. I'm sure it fits with some people's ideas to think that anyone who sets foot in a fast food place is some brainless clone who is unaware of what they are stuffing in their faces, but I'm afraid that's a bit simple minded!

Not that I can't be a snob about some things too, but at least be aware that's what you're being. ;)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 5 2012, 7:40 PM BST

There's this place I go to in Westfield shopping centre called 'Byron' that puts it to absolute shame.

It most likely does, but that's not the point. McDonalds isn't the bestest, but you know exactly what you are going to get every single time. And it's pretty ubiquitous in this day and age.

Personally, I prefer Burger King burgers, but their chips are rank.

I had a cheeseburger this very day! Probably inspired by this thread. Haven't had one in 2 or 3 months and it tasted gooooood.

Ronald McflippingDonald was actually there! (Which explained why it was full to the rafters with chiddlers) But luckily I missed the terrifying hellclown.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 7:49 PM BST

It most likely does, but that's not the point. McDonalds isn't the bestest, but you know exactly what you are going to get every single time.

Not true, I've had soggy chips a few times, really threw me. :(

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 5 2012, 7:49 PM BST

Personally, I prefer Burger King burgers, but their chips are rank.

Yes, their burgers are slightly better, but as you say, the chips are weird. I don't know what they do to them, or who thinks it's a good idea. No one likes those weird, knobly chips.

Anyone easily enough pleased to think MacDonalds tastes good is going to go into an orgasm if they try Burger King. If they were to actually go somewhere like Giraffe and have a burger that was actually nice their head would probably explode.

I'm not sure, but I *think* people are allowed to go to more than one restaurant...

Quote: zooo @ August 5 2012, 7:56 PM BST

I'm not sure, but I *think* people are allowed to go to more than one restaurant...

Calling a McDonalds a restaurant feels like a bit of a stretch... Whistling nnocently *stokes the fire*

And yet you got to MacDonalds?!

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