British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 951

I'm sure I read a Forbes article about the poverty line in Russia- something like the minimum wage being £150 a month and cost of living £200, with 18millionodd under the poverty threshold? Putin has always had Russia's economic strength as his defence, but it's slipping now- hopefully enough to shock the average Boris into action.

Ahh, the hope lies in the proles.

Although in all honesty Putin really is doing it wrong with all this arrests and detentions. I mean if he wanted to keep the population subservient he should just hand out free iPhones to everyone. Instant silence from the masses.

People have to be pretty hungry before they revolt.

And at the moment in Russia it's more inconvenient than starvation.

Of course DPRK bucks the trend by having an unbelievably brutal government with near total control of every atom of their citizens lives.

Quote: sootyj @ July 31 2012, 4:10 PM BST

People have to be pretty hungry before they revolt.

And at the moment in Russia it's more inconvenient than starvation.

Seeing all the break away republics doing well financially without Russia must be adding fuel to the fire, there are also a number of oligarchs who would love to see Putin swept aside and more favourable political puppets put in his place.

Putin knows this and has set up special 'Commie Camps' teaching young people how to hate protestors. Still, as mentioned before, with any kind of uprising in Moscow or St. Petersberg, he can always bus in scores of violent riot police from the more remote parts of Russia to beat shit out of his own people.

A dentist who conned the NHS out of £1.4 million /../ spent money she gained from the scam on "globe-trotting" and Jimmy Choo shoes.

Jimmy Choo; the drug of choice for women.

Jimmy Choo shoes are really boring and ugly. You'd think the famous ones would be extra nice.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ July 31 2012, 12:14 PM BST

It's unusual for them not to be able to trace a call, I'm presuming it must have been made on a mobile so obviously makes it harder but not impossible.
Really sad, fingers crossed it all turns out ok.

T'was apparently a hoax!
Didn't think it would be, as presumably is hard to pretend to be a 3 year old. But they reckon it was two 10 year olds. I sense f**king collosal groundings afoot.

Quote: zooo @ July 31 2012, 12:08 PM BST Eep. :(
Anyone know a Stacey in Leeds? Hope they find them.

Looks like we've been had.

Quote: zooo @ July 31 2012, 4:51 PM BST

T'was apparently a hoax!
Didn't think it would be, as presumably is hard to pretend to be a 3 year old. But they reckon it was two 10 year olds. I sense f**king collosal groundings afoot.

I must say I did suspect, when they were unable to figure out who the girl and mother were. They are going to get in all sorts of shit, and rightly so.

Billionairre junkie gives wife enough drugs to OD and then covers her body in bin bags and clothing for two months -

Will he go to jail? Will he fook, this is Britain, the most corrupt country on Earth.

They even gave the f**ker bail -

'He was granted bail on condition that he reside at the Capio Nightingale Hospital, a private hospital in London, and only leave the building accompanied by a member of staff.'

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 2:29 PM BST

Billionairre junkie gives wife enough drugs to OD

I didn't see that in the story, where did you find that fact?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 2:29 PM BST

Billionairre junkie gives wife enough drugs to OD and then covers her body in bin bags and clothing for two months -

Will he go to jail? Will he fook, this is Britain, the most corrupt country on Earth.

They even gave the f**ker bail -

'He was granted bail on condition that he reside at the Capio Nightingale Hospital, a private hospital in London, and only leave the building accompanied by a member of staff.'

Well he's basically sectioned and not costing the NHS a grand a week to take care of.

I don't imagine a poor junkie would be treat much differently if their partner had od'd in the circumstances, apart from, as sooty says, they would be in a taxpayer supported facility rather than paying for a private hospital. Delaying burial isn't generally a malicious act with drug users, and usually any further charges and incarceration would just be counterproductive to their wellbeing.

Graham Linehan talks sense about the Tom Daly Twitter troll business:

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 1 2012, 10:01 PM BST

Graham Linehan talks sense about the Tom Daly Twitter troll business:

On the one hand - fair, balanced and reasonable.

On the other hand - Linehan is being a total hypocrite. Celebrities use Twitter to further their careers and gain publicity. As always, you can't have it both ways and to expect nothing but non-stop adulation is comical.

If you throw yourself blindly into the online world demanding love and attention, then you'd have to be some sort of naive fool to believe that some nutty and disgruntled people wouldn't react by being mean.

He states that because of technology, you can now bully people from half a world away, completely ignoring the inverse, that you can now flog your shit and gain popularity to people half a world away.

It's Saxondale beating up the squirrel in the shopping centre. You hassle strangers, you get beats.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 10:25 PM BST

Celebrities use Twitter to further their careers and gain publicity.

And some of them just join Twitter for the same reasons we do. They are actually just normal people, y'know. Most of 'em.

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