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I read the news today oh boy! Page 950

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 31 2012, 1:26 PM BST

I care about the act itself. Which is vile, whether the person is famous or not; he should have been kicked off Twitter straight away.

I have no love for some moron on Twitter who constantly spreads hate - however, who is to decide what is and what isn't acceptable on Twitter?

Where do you draw the line and how do you separate legitimate protest from hateful diatribe?

Twitter is a private company and can edit comments and users any way they wish, so it's not a platform for free speech in the first place, so maybe I have no argument.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 31 2012, 1:26 PM BST

; he should have been kicked off Twitter straight away.

Surely this is the answer.
It doesn't/shouldn't need police involvement.
Get all the social media together to hand out blanket bans - like when local pubs do it, so if you're banned from one you're banned from all.
The only life these twits have is on-line - give them a virtual death sentence.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 1:32 PM BST

I have no love for some moron on Twitter who constantly spreads hate - however, who is to decide what is and what isn't acceptable on Twitter?

Where do you draw the line and how do you separate legitimate protest from hateful diatribe?

Well in a case like this, I think it's pretty obvious. In fact, in most cases on there it's pretty obvious.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 1:27 PM BST

Those statistics pale in comparison to the Sun, Daily Mail, Guardian, etc., all repeatedly taken to court for libel far more shocking then whatever some idiot wrote on Twitter.

Difference being, they were taken to court in civil actions, the police never arrested them.

Talk about double standards.

54,000 maybe more readers than the Guardian has currently.

Also the press has the public interest defence. One addmitedly with expensive lawyers they've always been able to hide behind.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 31 2012, 1:35 PM BST

Well in a case like this, I think it's pretty obvious. In fact, in most cases on there it's pretty obvious.

Problem with anytime someone says it's obvious, you're opening the gates to mob rule.

The guy has a right to be an opinionated twat and if he's broken the law tried as such.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 31 2012, 1:35 PM BST

Well in a case like this, I think it's pretty obvious. In fact, in most cases on there it's pretty obvious.

Obvious to whom? Should Frankie Boyle, Stewart Lee, etc. have their Twitter accounts banned for writing some 'pretty obvious' hateful jokes about celebrities and politicians?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 1:38 PM BST

Obvious to whom?

Obvious to anyone not trying to argue for the sake of it!

Personally, I think personal attacks sent directly TO a person on Twitter should be enough to get you banned. I'd call it the 'Don't be a c**t' law.

Now that I can get behind.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 31 2012, 1:41 PM BST

Personally, I think personal attacks sent directly TO a person on Twitter should be enough to get you banned. I'd call it the 'Don't be a c**t' law.

I like it. I will open a Twitter account and write horrible things about celebrities but not send it to them. If someone, anyone, dares say that I am wrong, I shall have their Twitter accounts banned.

It is the perfect system.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 1:48 PM BST

I like it. I will open a Twitter account and write horrible things about celebrities but not send it to them. If someone, anyone, dares say that I am wrong, I shall have their Twitter accounts banned.

It is the perfect system.

Err; okay..?


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 12:36 PM BST

I must say, our Twitter police are top notch - yeah there's drug gangs, murders, rapes, etc. going on in the rest of the country, but when it comes to nicking people for being 'a bit of a dick', we are like Elliot Ness.

Rule Britannia, etc.

Yes, on first sight it may seem skewed but the internet has become such a powerful tool that it's in everyone's interest that this sort of taunting is addressed and dealt with. It may be the thin end of the wedge crimewise, but clamping down on this sort of nastiness does serve a purpose in keeping law and order online, which due to the volumes of people populating the net is as necessary as keeping law and order on the streets.

For those of you who didn't get my Pussy Riot reference earlier -

Three teenage girls formed a punk band in Moscow and then performed an anti-Putin song in a cathedral and filmed it. They now face lengthy jail sentences for their crimes.

Hooliganism, specifically. Putin is one dodgy motherf**ker, and Russia is a scary place. It really makes me grateful for the system we have.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 31 2012, 2:58 PM BST

Hooliganism, specifically. Putin is one dodgy motherf**ker, and Russia is a scary place. It really makes me grateful for the system we have.

Totally agree. Putin is one scary Bond villain and he's manouevering everything to make himself dictator for life.

Problem is, the Rooskies have had a taste of freedom and democracy, no matter how corrupted, and won't take this lying down.

I fully expect an 'Iron Spring'.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 31 2012, 3:01 PM BST

Totally agree. Putin is one scary Bond villain and he's manouevering everything to make himself dictator for life.

Problem is, the Rooskies have had a taste of freedom and democracy, no matter how corrupted, and won't take this lying down.

I fully expect an 'Iron Spring'.

They really need one. It's a revolution that I wholeheartedly support, and think is a long time coming. Along with North Korea (will never happen).

Some of them have.

Thing is the reason the Iranian spring failed so spectacularly is it was a middle class uprising.

The working classes rather liked; missiles, stonings and free government food and oil. Even if it meant living like stone age, misogynist, tramps. And the rich rather liked well being rich and treating everyone like shit.

So protestors found themselves beaten, killed and bummed by hords of enraged peasants with sticks. Which the government rounded up in buses from the country side and paid in kebabs.

Similar issues in Cuba.

In Russia the peasants rather like the lights staying on, naughty petty criminals getting a thorough shoeing from the cops, affordable food and lashings of vodka. And the slightly less stinking rich have no interest in rocking the boat.

It was when the peasants went hungry in Egypt and the USSR that things started to happen.

So know this dictators. Bread and circuses!

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 31 2012, 3:02 PM BST

They really need one. It's a revolution that I wholeheartedly support, and think is a long time coming. Along with North Korea (will never happen).

DPRK will never have a revoloution as long as China and South Korea don't want to feed 22,000,000 traumatised refugees with no useful skills.

So DPRK gets truly epic quantities of grain and fuel oil.

Although rumours keep floating around that PRC may one day just take over out of a mixture of irritation and embarassment.

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