British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 947

Quote: sootyj @ July 29 2012, 1:07 PM BST

It's a bit shitty not being able to do it for 3 weeks.

It is a minor inconvenience at most. And guess what? We're all having to change our travel arrangements around London while the Games are on.

For whatever reason, cyclists consider themselves to be above everyone else, even though they pay no road tax, congestion charges or parking fees and contribute very little to the upkeep of the roads and cycle lanes they feel entitled to.

The cynical radicalising of cyclists by fringe politicos is opportunism gone wild.

Yes but their few painted lanes add little to the cost of travel in the city.

Where as cars are a constant corrosion.

And they pay council tax etc like the rest of us. I mean I pay no council tax for working places, I hope that means chelsea tractors won't be allowed on the pavements.

And its a massive and poorly explained inconvenience for 3 weeks.

nb if you were looking for pointless arguments.

How many more deaths from; food poisoning, heat stroke and now explosions before the madness of bbqs are made illegal!

But is a direct confrontation with police - who've told them that the towpaths are shut for security reasons - the best way of making their feelings known?

It smacks of pure arrogance. I was never that keen on London cyclists, but this incredibly selfish attitude that they are allowed to ride on the road, on the pavements, through red lights, on towpaths, the wrong way up one way streets and anywhere else they damn well please - often at high speeds - is really making me hate their two wheeled guts.

Cyclists and public transport are the future.

Good for them, they make the buses and tubes freer.

And frankly the word "security" has become a rubber stamp for every government abuse. Plutocrats getting to the games faster is not a security issue.

Pointless argument #2

Why don't the probation service give these out to paedos on probation, so we can see if they're having naughty thoughts.

This just in...

Zimbabwe: Panties Mystery Solved

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 29 2012, 1:41 PM BST

I was never that keen on London cyclists,

Any of them? They're not all one hive-mind.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 30 2012, 1:15 PM BST

Any of them? They're not all one hive-mind.

That's where you're wrong.

Quote: Ignatius Rake @ July 30 2012, 1:22 PM BST

That's where you're wrong.


Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 30 2012, 1:15 PM BST

Any of them? They're not all one hive-mind.

They are all c**ts. Angry


I like cyclists, less people on buses or tubes.

Except the self righteous shouty ones. They should be fined.

Quote: Ignatius Rake @ July 30 2012, 1:10 PM BST

This just in...

Zimbabwe: Panties Mystery Solved

I hate it when your goblin goes all weird.

And repeat after me - "they are not a backward nation"

Quote: Will Cam @ July 30 2012, 2:35 PM BST

They are all c**ts. Angry

There are definitely more c**ts in cars and vans. They give c**ts the power to be extra c**ty without fear.

If you find yourself hating cyclists, just be thankful that these bad road-users are on cycles and not in cars, because they're far more likely to kill you when they're driving badly. Every bad cyclist is one fewer lethally-dangerous driver.

Quote: Ignatius Rake @ July 30 2012, 1:10 PM BST

This just in...

Zimbabwe: Panties Mystery Solved

"The goblin was later burnt before the crowd.

In an interview after the burning of the goblin, Mr Ncube said he was happy that he was now a free man, saying the creature had been giving him sleepless nights for a long time."

Sounds like one for Funny Old World in Private Eye. Lot of the really wierd shit comes from African papers.

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