Hello all, hope this introduction finds you in good spirits (vodka, rum etc....please don't take that as an indication of my level of "funny", I'm not normally as funny as this!). Hopefully this profile will give you a flavour of what I'm about as it were, the words in brackets are key words to describe me I think:
I'm Andy, 27 years old, a mancunian who still lived in Manchester (ambitious), currently work as a civil servant (sexy), and am looking for something more exciting (ambit....erm....repetitive). I write mostly for myself (multi-layered) and it can sometimes make me chuckle (gsoh), but I'd like to do this more seriously (serious, but in a comical way) and imagine conversing (social) with you (direct) fine (flattering) beautiful (compulsive liar) people (honest) it'd stimulate my creative side and hopefully lead to a better and more rewarding and enjoyable career than my current one in the dear old civil service.
Feel free to get in touch with any ideas, thoughts, or just to introduce yourself, I look forward to meeting you all, thanks for your time, which, let's be honest, could've been spent in a much more productive way