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I read the news today oh boy! Page 941

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 20 2012, 11:56 AM BST

Shootings like this are always really weird - no obvious political motive, just random killings.

They don't know that yet, nothing random about it in the mad f**kers mind, he must have planned this quite well.

Quote: Lee @ July 20 2012, 1:40 PM BST

Those shooting sprees still would have happened but they would have been dressed as something else, like Spiderman or whatever other movie was popular back then.

Of course. But it's no coincidence that Bane wants to destroy everything and reign down chaos on everything. The nutzo may have been drawn to this philosophy.

Thankfully we have fewer guns than in America - ergo fewer killing sprees.

*waits for 60 pages of gun related debate in which we all take exactly the same position as in the last 212 gun debates*

Quote: Lee @ July 20 2012, 1:40 PM BST

Those shooting sprees still would have happened but they would have been dressed as something else, like Spiderman or whatever other movie was popular back then.


Quote: chipolata @ July 20 2012, 1:37 PM BST

The Matrix has inspired a few shooting sprees too.

I don't think a movie on it's own can 'inspire' a shooting spree. If you are crazy ape shit bonkers, then you're going to kill people regardless of the media you're exposed too.

You could try banning guns - but it won't work - because if you can buy drugs, then you can buy guns. Or the nutters will just build bombs or other devices to kill vast amounts of people.

Hell, if you're determined enough, you could take flying lessons and steer a passenger jet into a building.

The causes for this incident has to be looked at on a more societal level - why would someone who presumably attended the same churches, schools, jobs, etc. as everyone else, suddenly freak out and kill people in a cinema?

Quote: Shandonbelle @ July 20 2012, 1:45 PM BST

They don't know that yet, nothing random about it in the mad f**kers mind, he must have planned this quite well.

I'm calling it random unless every member of the audience all belonged to the same political / religious / racial affiliations.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 20 2012, 1:52 PM BST

I don't think a movie on it's own can 'inspire' a shooting spree.

Well, no. But I nutjobs clearly find some kind of comfort and justification in some films and books, like The Matrix or The Catcher In the Rye. They would of course go shooting anyway.

The only time I wanted to shoot anyone at the movies was during Men In Black 2


Quote: Tursiops @ July 20 2012, 1:49 PM BST


Dog Day Afternoon?

There were loads of kids dressed as Batman, but did one of those little shits tackle the gunman? They didn't even try.

Bunch of pre-teen posers. Bah!

Well if the gunman couldn't be bothered to make an effort and dress as the Penguin...


Wouldn't happen here.

I can just imagine two madmen storming a screening of "Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" wearing Judi Dench masks and dousing everyone in medium sherry.

Bloody carnage.

:( A bit 'Groundhog Day'

Watching the coverage from the Denver Cinema Massacre and the reporters are just totally insensitive.

Not one of them asked if the film was any good.

I see it's estimated that there's between 13 and 20 trillion dollars hidden away in off shore funds, which is the same as the combined annual GDP of both USA and Japan.

It does not feel like a whole year since the Norway Utoya island shootings.

:( I was on holiday in Austria when this news broke out on TV- really made me sad, but lucky to be alive.

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