British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 929

Quote: KLRiley @ July 17 2012, 12:31 PM BST

From the article -

'The BBC is turning BBC1 and BBC3 into its flagship Olympics channels, with BBC1 showing wall-to-wall coverage of the games except for traditional news bulletins.'

So cue the zooo with her usual complaints that she can't watch fake cockneys shoving each other over three times a week. Still, she's got singing Jesuses and gypos getting married on the other channels, so hopefully that will keep her happy.

Buckles (gift to the subs in tomorrow's papers) is so incompetent its scary. In an hilarious type of way. He's making it up as he goes along. How on earth did he get the job and how soon will it be before he is sacked and all G4S contracts with the government are terminated?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 17 2012, 12:50 PM BST

BBC1 showing wall-to-wall coverage of the games

That does sound awful.

Quote: KLRiley @ July 17 2012, 1:01 PM BST

How on earth did he get the job and how soon will it be before he is sacked and all G4S contracts with the government are terminated?

He'll get sacked but be given a massive golden handshake and will no doubt get a new job straight away that involves PPI.

As for G4S, they've got their hooks in too deeply with the government and no doublt have one of those weird clauses in the contracts that states they'll still get paid even if the contract is cancelled.

All of these deals are stacked heavily in favour of private sector with the tax payer normally picking up the tab - as was seen with the hospitals, the tube, the Olympics, the bank bailout, the Millennium Dome and a thousand other misgotten, corrupt and incompetent schemes.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 17 2012, 1:08 PM BST

That does sound awful.

Don't worry Matt, I'm sure they'll show all your girly programmes on BBC 2. Plus if you have Freeview / Virgin / Sky - there are entire channels devoted to your ladylike lifestyle.


Tell me about it.

I still remember Red Ken fighting Gordy Brown over why tube upgrades should not be carried out by a PFI company. That was broke dishonest and incompetent. Losing and Londoners getting a massive fares hike and no aircon on the underground.

A rather good columnist in the Times was opining. That part the reason for the cuts to the army. Is ministers really can't understand people who choose to make a long term commitment and risk their lives for the country. They can only think in terms of part time agency staff.

Quote: sootyj @ July 17 2012, 1:17 PM BST

Is ministers really can't understand people who choose to make a long term commitment and risk their lives for the country. They can only think in terms of part time agency staff.

I've never understood why successive governments don't allocate the Ministers based on their backgrounds. There are plenty of MPs who've served in the military, why aren't they in charge of the MOD?

Because Britain has become so pussy-fied, the meek general public don't seem to get too upset whenever there are big cuts to the armed forces. Based on our violent and war filled history and the unknown conflicts that might arise in the future, cutting our military numbers and capability seems utterly ridiculous.

We've all become hippy bitches who care more about recycling, school places and house prices then our own freedom, borders and protection. We are doomed to extinction.

So you can go on operations and slot some Hajis in the field?

Come back with a necklace of ears (or willies) before demanding more guns!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 17 2012, 1:26 PM BST

Because Britain has become so pussy-fied, the meek general public don't seem to get too upset whenever there are big cuts to the armed forces.

The defence budget is comparatively huge for our size and wealth.

Cutting it isn't so much the issue in so much as shooting people for idiotic decisions.

UK built HMS Ocean as a helicopter carrier, for a small fee it could have had a catapault for launching light jets.

Instead we're getting 2 aricraft carriers at 6 billion a piece. One of which we hope the French will buy at a firestore price.

The MOD is too busy selling Typhoons for buttons to tyrants. Too seriously consider modifying the 100s of surplus ones for carrier borne operations (doable aparently).

Instead the UK is buying the f35 except we can't choose which model and each time the price goes up.

And the person who pays the cost is the poor sacked infantry man.

I mean in the last 3 wars against an oponent with any sort of airforce.

Kosovo, GW1+2 the UK has gone in with ancient Tornadoes that were never good enough when they were built. And needed to have air defence provided by an European airforce with US jets. Whilst the sodding Typhoons were being built, repaired, painted in stripes and used as maypoles.

Bin Laden must be rolling over in his watery grave after seeing how pathetic his followers have become.

It'll only get worse when all of his young men are crippled by polio.

Quote: sootyj @ July 17 2012, 1:50 PM BST

Instead the UK is buying the f35 except we can't choose which model and each time the price goes up.

Don't we even get a say on the colour or type of upholstery ?

Like the trident missile system. The US puts its self in the position it can with hold key codes, specs etc which in 5 years leave them junk.

Quote: DaButt @ July 17 2012, 2:55 PM BST

Bin Laden must be rolling over in his watery grave after seeing how pathetic his followers have become.

It'll only get worse when all of his young men are crippled by polio.

The first one is just bizarre. I suspect more a deranged sandwich maker than international terrorism.

The second one is the tragic truth that most of these terrorists, turn far more on their own people than they do the west. I wish some of the bleeding hearts would note this. Banning polio injections, expelling aid workers, random killing and torture.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 17 2012, 12:50 PM BST

So cue the zooo with her usual complaints that she can't watch fake cockneys shoving each other over three times a week. Still, she's got singing Jesuses and gypos getting married on the other channels, so hopefully that will keep her happy.

It doesn't sound particularly great, but IF YOU REMEMBER, the only thing that made me angry was the showing of the exact same event on 2 channels at once. Unless they do that, they won't get me riled.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 17 2012, 1:26 PM BST

We are doomed to extinction.

Could you put a time frame on that extinction?

Wonder of G4S took this into account in their training ?

Quote: KLRiley @ July 17 2012, 1:01 PM BST

Buckles (gift to the subs in tomorrow's papers) is so incompetent its scary. In an hilarious type of way. He's making it up as he goes along. How on earth did he get the job and how soon will it be before he is sacked and all G4S contracts with the government are terminated?

Surely there were people in the IOC and government who were tasked to follow the progress of the training? Why did it take so long for the massive shortfall to become apparent? Heads should roll at G4S, the IOC and the UK government.

G4S have screwed up inumerable times.

8 years ago they got the contract to build and run prisoner transports.

On at least one occaison a prison kicked the roof off the van and escaped. G4S bleated they followed government guidelines so it wasn't their fault.

Infact according to statistics prison vans are now so insecure its lead to a drop in prison escapes. As escaping from a van is so easy.

Police have been called into Heathrow to protect G4S staff from customers, being rude, slow handclapping them or just walking past them.

Oh and they've more or less stopped checking for guns or drugs.

Some where along the line both parties in the UK have become enamoured of the mantra. Privatise and subcontract. So we get shitty services for our taxes we have to use.

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