British Comedy Guide

Comedy writer / performers in Colchester area


First time post on here (hi...) so apologies to the mods if this isn't the right place for this post.

I am trying to gauge interest in a Colchester based comedy club.

Want to meet with other writer / performers to generally discuss comedy, share tips, entertain each other. Looking to produce some live comedy shows (initially for charity), ultimately trying our hand at Edinburgh (ooo).

So - do you write and or perform comedy, have a desire to take part in producing some live shows, and live in or around Colchester?

If so, drop me a line at

Cheers folks

Hi Stuart,

Good luck in your venture. Welcome to the site Wave

Ta very much - Wave to you too :)

Stuart, try contacting Hazel Humphreys, she runs Wivenhoe Funny Farm and various stand up workshops in and around Colchester,

Quote: Tony Cowards @ July 9 2012, 2:12 PM BST

Stuart, try contacting Hazel Humphreys, she runs Wivenhoe Funny Farm and various stand up workshops in and around Colchester,

Excellent Tony, thanks. I'll do that.


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