Ignatius Rake
Wednesday 11th July 2012 10:51pm [Edited]
864 posts
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 11 2012, 11:29 PM BST
I didn't mean to mock anyone, sorry if that's how it came out.
Yes I do suffer from "Can I balls think of anything to write" and it's frustrating, but there really isn't anything you can do apart from plough on until the juices begin to flow, especially if you do it for a living. There's no bigger motivator than a mortgage due. Personally when I'm really stuck though, I find that walking helps. There's nothing worse than staring at a blank computer screen. I get most of my ideas when I'm walking the dog. (Which might explain why some of them are shit).
By the way I never called you a hack.

My apologies, if you you thought that I thought that you had called me a hack - some taxi bloke inferred it earlier and in my messy way I failed to make this clear.
Sorry, you got caught in the crossfire. (I'd put an emoticon here but I haven't a clue what any of them mean and never have done so just imagine one that's offering you a pint).
Anyway, thanks for offering some advice. I agree, walking is an excellent method, although my personal favourite, as I previously explained, is sitting in a quiet bar with a pen and paper.
Well, gotta go. I really do have stuff to write and no I'm not suffering from any 'block'. I was just having a tea break.
does this one mean 'laters'?

Sweet dreams all. Gotta go.