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Bloody Writer's Block

Ok, so I'm trying to write an article as an application, I have the topic I want to write on, the angle, everything, but whatever craps itself on the page is utter tripe. Any suggestions on how to reset yourself to write something worth reading?

Brian Eno uses a deck deck of cards called Oblique Strategies. There's a free online version somewhere.

I'll give that a go. Thanks

Hello DeathbyMonkey

Nice name, by the way.

I am a professional journalist and have to deal with writer's block all the bloody time. While this isn't a problem if writing is your hobby, for me it's a job and deadlines don't wait.

The best thing I find is to switch off your computer (staring at a blank screen and then scooting around the internet every five minutes just makes things worse).

Then pack a notebook and pen into a bag and head off to somewhere neutral where you are away from potential distractions and which involves a bit of a walk to clear your head.

Find a quiet bar or pub.

Buy yourself a beer - this tells you're brain that you are not at work and so puts you into a more relaxed frame of mind.

Make sure it is a quiet pub where you don't know anyone, except perhaps the bar staff (I have several regular such haunts but I never go to them to socialise - I even refer to them as my second office).

Take a seat somewhere but not at the bar as this can lead to unwanted interference along the lines of "what are you writing?".

You will now look like Billy No Mates.

To avoid the few people in the quiet pub thinking you are a saddo, get out your notebook and pen - this affirms to them that you are actually busy and have something important to do.

Have a few swigs of beer.

Then just start writing stream of consciousness stuff.

Don't bother reading it through; just write and write, even if its all guff to start with.

Remember, you can knock it all into shape when you get back on your computer.

This always works for me and I've been doing this professionally for 17 years or so.

The hardest part of any article is your opening line. You need an angle. Beer in a neutral environment really helps as does walking (but not with headphones on).

In my opinion, the best thing to do is ditch any computer when you have writer's block. You simply cannot write as quickly and as freely on a keyboard as you can with a pen and paper and instead of getting on with writing something you just spend hours dicking around rephrasing the few words you have managed to get on screen.

Good luck.

I hope that helps.

Remember - pen and paper. NO COMPUTERS AND DEFINITELY NO INTERNET (if you need to check a fact you can do that later).

Writer's block doesn't exist.

If you expect to be able to write whenever you want to you're a hack.

Writer's Block is a bit of a myth I think. Sometimes you just need to take a step back, give it a rest then go at it again with gusto. Eventually it'll come.

Or am I thinking of Wanker's Cramp?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 11 2012, 6:39 PM BST

Writer's block doesn't exist.

If you expect to be able to write whenever you want to you're a hack.

So there you go, DeathbyMonkey. It's official. Writer's block doesn't exist. What are you worrying about?

Thanks IR that is terrifically helpful - and the first line is certainly key. It allows you to find a thread line to hang everything else on.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 11 2012, 6:39 PM BST

Writer's block doesn't exist.

If you expect to be able to write whenever you want to you're a hack.

It's not expecting to, it's needing to. And secondly re-writing old cliched opinions makes you a hack. And thirdly offering unhelpful BS opinions makes you a prick :) (the smiley face means I'm joking :) ) No but seriously, that's not the definition of hack.

Glad to be of service. Have a lovely day.

Quote: Lee Henman @ July 11 2012, 7:15 PM BST

Writer's Block is a bit of a myth I think. Sometimes you just need to take a step back, give it a rest then go at it again with gusto. Eventually it'll come.

Or am I thinking of Wanker's Cramp?

Welcome back Lee!

This is turning into the welcome back Koter thread!

Quote: Lee Henman @ July 11 2012, 7:15 PM BST

Writer's Block is a bit of a myth I think. Sometimes you just need to take a step back, give it a rest then go at it again with gusto. Eventually it'll come.

Or am I thinking of Wanker's Cramp?

You're thinking of wanker's cramp. Writers block does exist in terms of people suffering it. More actually it's a kind of lack of epiphany or inspiration, and the frustration at that lack of insightful creativity limits your thinking, rationalisation and processing.

I don't so much get writers block as writers slops.
When I write vast amounts of crap and can't sort the shit from the lsightly less shit.

I think 'Writers Block' is just something that manifests if you're having to sit and force something out because you're on a deadline and don't have the luxury of letting it ferment and come out when it's ready. You're trying to bypass the natural process your brain and your imagination needs to go through because you don't have the time.


Quote: sootyj @ July 11 2012, 7:41 PM BST

I don't so much get writers block as writers slops.
When I write vast amounts of crap and can't sort the shit from the lsightly less shit.

Actually that's what I've got

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