British Comedy Guide

School...with hilarious results Page 3

Steve - Laughing out loud
Paul - Nice! :)
Perry - Laughing out loud

Debating is always fun. We debate in large group. We debate about numeracy. I'll leave you to work out the rest :P

oh we also set fire to German pencil sharpeners as theyve got magnesium in them, and blame farmers for EVERYTHING to annoy our history teacher who once told us they rooted lots of problems...she bring it on herself. yesterday she made an analogy about democracy being a tree-my friend, when asked, said it was threatened by metaphorical lumberjacks :)

Yeah, socialists. ;)

What is it about RE teachers?

In one of our early RE lessons I suggested to the boy I sat next to that he ought to leap onto the desk and scream that he's seen a mouse. I never thought he'd do it but he took no persuasion whatsoever. I collapsed in a heap as the girls jumped onto their chairs and the boys ran over to take a look.

On our last day at 6th form we all came in dressed up - could be as random as you wanted. Anyway - the joker in our year came in as Jesus...stormed into the R.E teachers room and proceeded to tell all the children to stop learning as their savior had come... The R.E teacher (a devout Christian) went mad and told him he was going to hell.


Laughing out loud

I have a feeling I need to ask.

What does a RE teacher actually teach?

Religious Education

Quote: WrongTale @ January 26, 2008, 1:36 PM

I have a feeling I need to ask.

What does a RE teacher actually teach?

Quote: zooo @ January 26, 2008, 1:37 PM

Religious Education

Not at our school - it stood for Rectal Examination...

...or at least that's what the teacher told me...

I'd hate to think what P.E was then!


Quote: Leevil @ January 26, 2008, 1:41 PM

I'd hate to think what P.E was then!

Penis Extension...or maybe I just dreamt that

Our physics teacher was demo-ing the conservation of energy using a weight suspended from a ceiling. Our Games teacher came in to the class with a message so the old fart decided he would demonstrate by pinning Mr Games [Yes, Mr John Games the Games teacher] the biggest hardest f**k you'll ever see against the wall and explained that when he dropped the weight it would not reach Mr Games because it would have insufficient energy to do so. Probably the single funniest incident I've ever seen. Right in the chops.

A kid named David Nash asked me and a friend to write him a note for games once 'cos he hated it. He was basically illiterate so we wrote on it. 'David cannot do games today because his left legs fallen off.' We thought it was funny anyway!

Quote: roscoff @ January 27, 2008, 1:16 AM

A kid named David Nash asked me and a friend to write him a note for games once 'cos he hated it. He was basically illiterate so we wrote on it. 'David cannot do games today because his left legs fallen off.' We thought it was funny anyway!

Funny maybe, but cruel. You should have helped him get out of it!

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