Dear all, we've decided to keep up the momentum on Live from Kirrin Island and record one or more Kirrin Island: Summer Shorts before the next full-on Live from KI episode in the Autumn (more details when I have them - including a call for sketches from BCG). The "shorts" will remain topical in nature and so this is the thread for topical one-liners from BCG members who'd like to contribute. The associated calling notice is on the "writing opportunities" forum.
The first of the shorts will be recorded on Saturday 21st July (two weeks) so provisional closing date is Thursday 19th July.
Thanks everyone,
To get us going (until I can think of something better which I shall edit in);
WOMAN: If CERN were looking for something of no substance and no matter, as a result of a high speed collision of two lightweight elements, they only had to look as far as Jedward.