British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 1,009

TTPYO: People moaning about sport on TV. Get over yourselves!

TTPYO: People moaning about people moaning about... you get the idea.

TTPYO: The TTPYO thread.

(I think that's deuce)

Rolling eyes

Nil, I'm worried your eyeballs might fall out.

TTPYO: None of this constant sport coverage on TV features Foxy Boxing. The only real sport a man should watch.

Quote: zooo @ July 1 2012, 8:21 PM BST

Nil, I'm worried your eyeballs might fall out.

:D I was wondering how many I could get in! :D

Quote: Lee @ July 1 2012, 8:22 PM BST

TTPYO: None of this constant sport coverage on TV features Foxy Boxing. The only real sport a man should watch.

Rolling eyes

What about topless darts?

Quote: Lee @ July 1 2012, 8:22 PM BST

TTPYO: None of this constant sport coverage on TV features Poxy Boxing. The only real sport a man should watch.

you leave those lepers alome you brute!

Quote: Badge @ July 1 2012, 8:11 PM BST

*Decides not to tell zooo about the CBBC commentary on the red button*

@davidschneider: There's a CBBC commentary on the red button. Hosted, I presume, by the Balotellitubbies.

zooo has balls. :)

Quote: Booo @ July 1 2012, 8:29 PM BST

zooo talks balls. :)

:O How rude!

Quote: zooo @ July 1 2012, 8:32 PM BST

:O How rude!


Pissing me off:
Child who won't stay in bed and is now making up excuses
the Spanish

Quote: Booo @ July 1 2012, 8:48 PM BST


Pissing me off:
Child who won't stay in bed and is now making up excuses
the Spanish

maybe thius sketch can offer advice?

What sketch? Talk to me, sooters.

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