Hello -
I'm a guy living in York who's trying to start up a sketch group. I've been writing sketches for some time and have at least a solid handful that I believe are decent and (with some work) achievable. At the moment I'm focusing on recording some sketches, but am interested in doing something live as well. I've got some high quality camera equipment that I co-own with a guy who has the technical know-how.
Anyway. What I DON'T have is people to collaborate with. Rather than searching out actors on StarNow or some other casting website, I'm wanting to start up a legit sketch group with which to write and perform. Ideally I'd like the group to contain 4-5 people and a mix of genders, but I'll take what I can get and build from there.
As mentioned, I live in York, so anyone from or near there who's interested in having a proper go at getting a sketch thing going, I'd simply love to hear from you. If you're apprehensive and would like to read a sample script or whatever before progressing, then I'll more than happily comply. I look forward to hearing from whoever.
Cheers and thanks,