The line that consistently makes me laugh when I think about it is from a show that I've never even seen a whole episode of: "My Name is Earl"
It was an occasion where you just trip over a show and wasn't really watching it as I was working on the PC but one line jumped out and nearly made me fall off my chair.
It's an American show which has a couple of dumb sounding characters and another who was gay but wanted to be a real man (or something like that). There was also something about gambling addiction.
It was all very odd.
The bit made me laugh out loud was when the two dumbest characters were talking to each other. One was writing a poem for a girl and the other said:
'Are you sure you want to write a love poem with the word cartilidge in it?'
I hadn't heard the previous line but that one alone made me laugh so much.
There was another too where there was a gambling support group and the person running it said:
'Everyone here has a disease'
...which thanks to the way it was edited had me in stitches too.
I must make an effort to watch these in full.