That took some thinking up Adam. But worth the wait
Things I just don't "get". Page 7
When I'm travelling, I go fishing for Continents.
BBC4. No signal.
Quote: Ray Dawson @ January 25, 2008, 8:42 PMTake no notice Robyn. Dave posts without thinking, or at least that's what his sketches suggest
Quote: Ray Dawson @ January 25, 2008, 9:39 PMThat took some thinking up Adam. But worth the wait
Thank you
James Bond.
Extremely popular films.
I think it would make one good film, but what is it? 30?! Zzzzzzz...
Quote: Eat_My_Shirts @ January 25, 2008, 5:55 PM- Reading for pleasure. Ever since I was young, I hated reading books. I still do, nothing has changed. I find it immensely boring.
I can kind of see where you're coming from here. I could never find any books that interested me whilst I was at school. They always seemed to be very girly, and the few which were around for 'boys' all seemed sport-related. I then had all the usual Shakespeare etc rubbish forced down my throat whilst at 'high' school. There was the very, very occasional factual book which interested me (I seem to recall my two favourite books in our library at primary school being the history of McDonald's and the history of Coca-Cola), so generally I never really got into reading. Even now, although there are a handful of books I'm "reading", I'm not consistent or regular in doing so, and rarely manage more than a few pages at any time before becoming distracted. And apart from Harry Potter and the odd other few here and there (Roald Dahl of course), to this day I've only ever really read for knowledge. Does that count as fun too? I dunno. I'm slowly working my way through London - The Biography and Underground London: Travels Beneath the City Streets at the moment, and with London's Disused Underground Stations next on the list. (Noticing a pattern there?) There's also the ever-growing pile of web development and comedy-related books scattered around my bedroom. Just this week, I bought Fifty Year's of Hancock's Half Hour, Fawlty Towers - The Story of Britain's Favourite Sitcom, Morecambe & Wise, and a bunch of others - if/when I'll ever get around to reading them, I don't know. That's all for knowledge though. Does it count as fun? I'm not being forced to by an evil teacher, but I am getting something lasting out of it, unlike a novel or somesuch...
Yeah that counts.
I read all the time. All the people I personally know who hate reading are idiots (mind you there's only 2).
Now that doesn't mean that everyone who hates reading is an idiot. But... how do you get your information otherwise? As long as you get it somewhere else then I'm sure I can forgive you.
Ooh, I read the paper too.
Admittedly only the Metro, London Lite, and when I can get hold of a copy, City AM, but they're still papers!
And ceefax! Don't forget ceefax!
Meh, was never really into Ceefax. Does BBC News Online count?
I suppose.
Not as good as ceefax though...

How fantastically retro is that. Like a commodore 64 or something. *pines*
There's always such a stigma attached to saying you don't like reading.
I much prefer watching a film or something. Books are sooo last century. Anyway, I'm saving trees by not reading books. Although like Aaron, I do like the odd factual book. And catalogues. All the classics; Argos, Littlewoods, Ikea...
I like the fact that EMS says he doesn't like reading then Aaron gives the longest reply in the history of the internet