I'm of the opinion that prohibition doesn't work.. and here's why:
The UK. Approximately 60 million inhabitants. Estimates of regular smokers that I've come across vary between 2.5 and 6 million.
So let's err on the conservative side and call it 1 million.
If those 1 million consume 1 gramme per day (easily done), that equals 1 million grammes each day = 1000 kilos = 1 metric tonne per day.
Times 365 = 365 tonnes per year.
How much the authorities seize in an average year = 4-6 tonnes. Barely a dent in the national consumption.. and these are conservative estimates.
At an ounce price of £160 (Skunk - F1 hybrid marijuana), 1 kilo = £5600 (approx).
Per day: 1 tonne = £5,600,000.
Per year: 365 tonnes = £2,044,000,000.
And that's being conservative. It could be 3-6 times that estimate. Whatever, it's a huge amount of moolah.
This money goes into the pockets of organised crime, financing God knows what.
It's time to legalise it, in my opinion. Prohibition just puts huge amounts of money into the wrong hands. It doesn't stop the demand.
Personally, I think the government should control the price, cultivation and sale via retail outlets, and let people grow it at home within production limits for personal use, or sale to the state if they so wish. I would suggest that it should still be illegal for the private individual to sell it to anyone but the state itself. The state fixed price would have to be low enough to make any black market non-viable.
The current state of play reminds me of alcohol prohibition in the US. It's unworkable.
So.. thoughts?