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I read the news today oh boy! Page 911

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 28 2012, 11:07 PM BST

The Government are the lesser of two evils in this country. We tried to partner up with private companies to reform our transport, prisons and healthcare and in each instance, the private companies ran up massive debts, grabbed as much cash as they could, overcharged the government for every single thing they could, provided a poorer service and eventually buggered off with their pockets bulging with cash, leaving the tax payer to pick up the bill.

I'm having a Carlito Brigante moment: "Every time I think I've got out, they pull me right back in again.."

It's not the debt that's the real killer: it's the interest. It's the reason why usury was illegal for so many centuries.. and why it still is in many parts of the world. The notional mathematical equation upon which the western monetary system is based, is fatally flawed. Usurers know this, but there is a conspiracy of silence about it.

Example: let's call the total global money supply a notional 100%.. but it's been created as loans with interest. Let's call the interest 1%. So 100% has been loaned to the world, but 101% is owed.

But there is no extra 1% to be found. There is only 100% out there. So how does the money plus interest ever get repaid? Answer? It doesn't. Ever. A few people get more than their "fair" share of the money supply, which means that most people don't, and sooner or later default on their repayments, leading to repossession and seizure of property and assets, which go to the usurers. These lenders quite quickly end up owning everything, at which point they create more "money" (these days electronic credit) and loan it out with interest to people to try to buy all the property and assets that were seized.

.. and this system has been going on since about 2,500 BC. It brought down the greeks, egyptians and romans back in the day.. and periodically brings down regimes throughout the subsequent centuries.

The protection of this system is the real reason behind the two world wars, the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan, to name but a few. It's why Hitler and Stalin had such a thing about the Jews: they blamed the whole jewish people (which was ignorant) for the western banking system which holds people in economic slavery, with no hope of ever escaping. They wanted to break out of it.. and the western world went to war over it.

Today's bĂȘte noire is fundamentalist Islam. The moneylenders are terrified of Sharia Law for no other reason than usury is illegal under such law. Anything that ever threatens their global system of usury will engender a violent reaction from them (armed conflict) always dressed up with socio-political expediency so that the people believe in the "justice" of going to war. So the grunts get killed and the moneylenders sit back and watch, secure in the knowledge that whoever wins the conflict will still owe them money.. and whoever loses will as well.

I think that while we all argue about the ins-and-outs of moving debt around and taking out more loans with interest, bail-outs etc. etc., the moneylenders sit back in the knowledge that, whatever happens, they will still be owed the loans plus interest. They can't lose.

Rant over.

Stylee for President.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 12:22 AM BST

It's not the debt that's the real killer: it's the interest. It's the reason why usury was illegal for so many centuries.. and why it still is in many parts of the world. The notional mathematical equation upon which the western monetary system is based, is fatally flawed. Usurers know this, but there is a conspiracy of silence about it.

Example: let's call the total global money supply a notional 100%.. but it's been created as loans with interest. Let's call the interest 1%. So 100% has been loaned to the world, but 101% is owed.

That would be fine if we lived in a vacuum, where populations didn't increase, land wasn't redeveloped, technology didn't advance, new communities and countries were formed and there was zero growth across all sectors.

Like it or not, capitalism or the barter system as it was known before currency was invented is the most successful form of economic exchange ever invented. Even communism, socialism and all manner of ideological 'isms' couldn't compete with it and have fallen by the way side.

I don't fear Sharia Law because of it's low interest rates, I fear it because it wants to ban beer, bacon and bikinis.

RC For Galactic Overlord

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 12:31 AM BST

That would be fine if we lived in a vacuum, where populations didn't increase, land wasn't redeveloped, technology didn't advance, new communities and countries were formed and there was zero growth across all sectors.

RC. We have to believe the lie that we must strive for growth, in order to chase the interest repayments which are continually mounting up. Believe you me, we could do it better if there were no interest to be repaid.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 12:31 AM BST

Like it or not, capitalism or the barter system as it was known before currency was invented..

Capitalism and the barter system are two different things completely.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 12:31 AM BST the most successful form of economic exchange ever invented.

Not for most people it isn't. It's only successful for the people who get rich on it. Most people lose.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 12:31 AM BST

Even communism, socialism and all manner of ideological 'isms' couldn't compete with it and have fallen by the wayside.

They all fell prey to greed: the greed for western riches, which overcame their original intentions... except for Fidel.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 12:31 AM BST

I don't fear Sharia Law because of its low interest rates..

There is no interest rate at all under Sharia Law. Zero percent.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 12:47 AM BST

RC. We have to believe the lie that we must strive for growth, in order to chase the interest repayments which are continually mounting up. Believe you me, we could do it better if there were no interest to be repaid.

Now who's wheeling out the propaganda? You, like me and everyone else on this forum has grown up under the capitalist system and have done pretty well. We could talk about 'relative' poverty, but on the whole, we have food in our bellys, a roof over our heads and high speed internet access.

If you'd like to trade all that for an unproven economic ideology, then you are more then welcome, there are many different systems operating across the planet on very small scales.

Personally, I wish we lived in a meritocracy, but it ain't gonna happen, so we make the best of the hand we're dealt. If you think I've been brainwashed into accepting this situation, it's nothing compared to those who operate under Sharia Law.

Now consumerism, that is an entirely different evil that more closely applies to the criticisms you've levelled at capitalism.

EDIT: RC For Emperor of the Multi-verse.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:01 AM BST

Now who's wheeling out the propaganda?

That wasn't propaganda.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:01 AM BST

Personally, I wish we lived in a meritocracy, but it ain't gonna happen, so we make the best of the hand we're dealt.

That's what lambs say as they're led off to the slaughterhouse.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:01 AM BST

If you think I've been brainwashed into accepting this situation, it's nothing compared to those who operate under Sharia Law.

You and them both, RC, you and them both.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 1:15 AM BST

That wasn't propaganda.

Yeah it was. We strive for growth because it is hard wired into our DNA as a way of insuring our survival as a species. We breed, produce offspring and then need to provide for said offspring. Because we mature at a much slower rate then other animals and don't have the same level of natural defences, we have to take a more sophisticated approach to protecting ourselves and our young.

This drive to survive has ultimately manifested itself in the world we have today. That is what drives our growth, not percentage points or debts.

RC for Burger King

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:23 AM BST

Yeah it was. We strive for growth because it is hard wired into our DNA as a way of insuring our survival as a species. We breed, produce offspring and then need to provide for said offspring. Because we mature at a much slower rate then other animals and don't have the same level of natural defences, we have to take a more sophisticated approach to protecting ourselves and our young.

This drive to survive has ultimately manifested itself in the world we have today. That is what drives our growth, not percentage points or debts.

Now you're being silly. The "growth" to which we both were referring was economic, nothing to do with increasing population. We only need this lie of economic growth (fed to us by moneylenders via politicians) to chase the impossible dream of repaying loans with interest. It would be different without interest.

EDIT I missed this one before:

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:01 AM BST

Now consumerism, that is an entirely different evil that more closely applies to the criticisms you've levelled at capitalism.

Consumerism is created by manufacturers and their media so that they can chase the impossible dream of paying off their debts, which can never be repaid, just passed around. It's the driving force of usury: inextricably intertwined.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 1:33 AM BST

Now you're being silly. The "growth" to which we both were referring was economic, nothing to do with increasing population.

The two are intrinsically intertwined. In the old days, we'd just bash people with an axe, now that has been superceded by large scale corporate skullduggery.

As much as I'd like to restrict the definition of economic growth to money lenders from a few centuries ago, it is far too narrow an explaination. Economics doesn't just mean coins and interest rates and international trade.

It stems from territoriality, tribalism and our propensity to form social groupings that compete for resources.

RC The Little Ant Who Could

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 1:43 AM BST

Consumerism is created by manufacturers and their media so that they can chase the impossible dream of paying off their debts, which can never be repaid, just passed around.

No, consumerism was designed as a way of quitening the masses through the use of material bribes.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:46 AM BST

It stems from territoriality, tribalism and our propensity to form social groupings that compete for resources.

..until the Iron Age taught Man how to smelt, when it all changed.. and our greed for gold and silver became overriding.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 29 2012, 1:49 AM BST

..until the Iron Age taught Man how to smelt, when it all changed.. and our greed for gold and silver became overriding.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 29 2012, 1:46 AM BST

No, consumerism was designed as a way of quietening the masses through the use of material bribes.

No, it evolved in order to get people to buy stuff because the manufacturers had loans with interest to pay off.. and still do.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:57 PM BST

She wouldn't have missed the treatment, she would have received it and the hospital would have written off the expense.

Except DaButt you proudly also posted about how she recently finished off paying the medical bills she ran up when she had no insurance.

And come on no industry, least of all one as expensive as medicine. Charges businesses and individuals thousands. Whilst allowing anyone who doesn't want to pay off.

I don't believe you're even convincing yourself.

One of the few areas of legislation Dubya was praised for. Was enabling people who had huge medical bills to go bankrupt

Quote: sootyj @ June 29 2012, 9:33 AM BST

Except DaButt you proudly also posted about how she recently finished off paying the medical bills she ran up when she had no insurance.

It was only a grand or so, and not paying it back was an option. But paying her debt was the right thing to do. Even France makes the patient pay a portion of the bill. Nothing is free.

One of the few areas of legislation Dubya was praised for. Was enabling people who had huge medical bills to go bankrupt

I don't recall that legislation, but I know people who declared bankruptcy due to medical bills long before GWB became president.

Quote from some tit that went out to watch the flame go by . . .

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and an opportunity I don't think I will ever have again," he said.

Quote: Oldrocker @ July 2 2012, 11:48 AM BST

Quote from some tit that went out to watch the flame go by . . .

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience and an opportunity I don't think I will ever have again," he said.

I assume you mean the Olympic Torch. I'm going out on the 26th July to watch it come through Westminster.

I hope it'll be a celebrity carrying the torch and not some fatso who drives the mongs on the funny bus being 'recognised' by a sugary soft drinks company.

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