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I read the news today oh boy! Page 910

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 9:41 PM BST

Surely your anger should lie with the insurance companies. Who pick and choose clients, avoid payment and generally run the system to make vast profits.

You do realize that what I'm complaining about is the fact that our government has just made it mandatory to do business with said companies, right? Maybe next we'll be required by law to keep our savings in institutions run by bankers with 8-figure bonuses, or perhaps it should be illegal to not subscribe to Rupert Murdoch's publications?

I read that stuff in the Standard.

And my brain couldn't really comprehend it. They f**ked us, they f**ked everybody.

Then they took oceans of cash from the government and f**ked us again.

How is this happening? Why is this happening?

Are these bankers a punishment from God for excessive masturbation?

Those twats sitting at their desks fiddling interest rates so they can make some more money and trashing peoples lives.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 28 2012, 9:49 PM BST

When you factor in all the private middle men, the drug companies, the shareholders, the lawyers and the malpractice insurance scams, the basic cost of medicine and treatment is laden down by inscrutible layers of exploitative profiteering.

And now we can add in layers of federal red tape and a law that forces you to be a victim of the profiteering. Yay!

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:16 PM BST

You do realize that what I'm complaining about is the fact that our government has just made it mandatory to do business with said companies, right? Maybe next we'll be required by law to keep our savings in institutions run by bankers with 8-figure bonuses, or perhaps it should be illegal to not subscribe to Rupert Murdoch's publications?

Well who else provides health insurance?

The problem with Obama and why he may well be a one term president. Is he talks fancy. But he is a weak equivocator and negotiator. He endlessly compromises and seems to live on a diet of Curate's eggs.

But maybe the idea of health care for all will atleast sink in...

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:19 PM BST

And now we can add in layers of federal red tape and a law that forces you to be a victim of the profiteering. Yay!

You gotta ask how do the French make a similar system work?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 28 2012, 10:10 PM BST

It's nice to know that in a harsh recession, where making ends meet and keeping your head above water is a feat in itself, that the friendly banks have been artificially jacking up the percentages you pay on overdrafts, loans, credit cards and mortgages.

Mortgage rates are the lowest they've ever been in my lifetime.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:22 PM BST

Mortgage rates are the lowest they've ever been in my lifetime.

In the UK, the banks borrow money at 0.5%, they charge their customers 5.5% to borrow the same money they just borrowed.

Mortgage rates are the lowest they've been in your lifetime because the housing market is the most depressed it's ever been in your lifetime.

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:16 PM BST

They f**ked us, they f**ked everybody.

Then they took oceans of cash from the government and f**ked us again.

How is this happening? Why is this happening?

Because our weak willed, corrupt and incompetent government allows these greedy bastards to get away with it.

Or is it because our lousy government is selling out billions for a few million in bribes when they're out of office?

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:20 PM BST

You gotta ask how do the French make a similar system work?

Like every other similar system in the world, they're running in the red. Longer life expectancies, costlier drugs and treatments and the economic downturn are causing the French system into billions of dollars in debt every year. It's simply unsustainable.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:16 PM BST

Maybe next we'll be required by law to keep our savings in institutions run by bankers with 8-figure bonuses

This already in effect in the UK. If you don't have a bank account, then you are pretty much persona non grata. You can try to get away without having an account, but expect the tax man to crawl up your ass with a microscope.

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:36 PM BST

Or is it because our lousy government is selling out billions for a few million in bribes when they're out of office?

Yeppity doodle. Amazing how they all get jobs on various company boards the minute they leave office.

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:16 PM BST

They f**ked us, they f**ked everybody.

Then they took oceans of cash from the government and f**ked us again.

How is this happening? Why is this happening?

Are these bankers a punishment from God for excessive masturbation?

Those twats sitting at their desks fiddling interest rates so they can make some more money and trashing peoples lives.

It's called capitalism

And its bollocks

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:36 PM BST

Or is it because our lousy government is selling out billions for a few million in bribes when they're out of office?

Watch how many American politicians soon become owners/executives/investors/lobbyists for the companies which will make billions from this new law.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:36 PM BST

Like every other similar system in the world, they're running in the red. Longer life expectancies, costlier drugs and treatments and the economic downturn are causing the French system into billions of dollars in debt every year. It's simply unsustainable.

Ok the whole French system of government is so far in debt, the country is going to end up a deli/knocking shop for wealthy Chinese.

But the actual health system in terms of expense costs similar to yours in terms of per patient cost.

They just can't generate the taxes to pay for it.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:39 PM BST

Watch how many American politicians soon become owners/executives/investors/lobbyists for the companies which will make billions from this new law.

so whats the solution?

I mean you posted that your daughter almost lost on vital treatment, until your decent boss changed the insurance plan?

What about people with shitty bosses?

I mean do you just count yourself lucky?

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:41 PM BST

so whats the solution?

Aside from free health care for Communist Muslims who hate America?

Funny that DaButt should mention Federal red tape when it comes to health insurance, if you ever try to get private health insurance in America, you have to fill in endless forms, submit to credit checks, have your entire family history investigated, attented numerous physicals and have things shoved up your bottom on a regular basis.

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 10:41 PM BST

I mean you posted that your daughter almost lost on vital treatment, until your decent boss changed the insurance plan?

She wouldn't have missed the treatment, she would have received it and the hospital would have written off the expense.

There is plenty of room for reform as far as fraud, waste and excessive profits are concerned, but I have little faith in the government's ability to do anything about it.

Most of the uninsured in this country are young, healthy people who would rather roll the dice and not pay heft insurance premiums for treatment they are unlikely to receive. They're the ones who are excited by promises being insured while actually saving money and they are going to be sadly mistaken when they get their first bill.

I'm sure my employer pays tens of thousands of dollars for my medical insurance every year. When they finally dump their coverage (as is inevitable) do you think they'll put that money in my pocket every year so that I can pay $20,000 for other insurance?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 28 2012, 10:51 PM BST

and have things shoved up your bottom on a regular basis.

No, the insurers have decided that routine prostate exams are a waste of money, just like mammograms.

It's cheaper when people die younger.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 10:57 PM BST

There is plenty of room for reform as far as fraud, waste and excessive profits are concerned, but I have little faith in the government's ability to do anything about it.

The Government are the lesser of two evils in this country. We tried to partner up with private companies to reform our transport, prisons and healthcare and in each instance, the private companies ran up massive debts, grabbed as much cash as they could, overcharged the government for every single thing they could, provided a poorer service and eventually buggered off with their pockets bulging with cash, leaving the tax payer to pick up the bill.

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