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I read the news today oh boy! Page 909

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 3:26 PM BST

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of Obama's controversial plan to require all Americans to pay for medical insurance, calling it a tax, not a commerce issue.

The presidential election is going to get even more exciting.

Its really good to see a Reopublican bench of judges rising above partisan politics (on both sides). And making a decision based on constitutional legal precedent.

Makes you believe the system could actually work...

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 5:01 PM BST

Makes you believe the system could actually work...

Not me, the billion dollar private health care companies have been trying to sabotage this from the start and will continue to do so until people die. Then they can say 'look we told you this would happen' and a system that makes them even more money will be implimented.

Ohthat's true but a small victory is a nice thing

Before were all nothung but organ banks for the immortal super rich

Quote: lofthouse @ June 28 2012, 1:26 PM BST

Well done Stuart Pearce

Beckham not picked for the Olympics

You don't win a gold medal by picking male models

True but then again you don't win gold medals by appointing Stuart Pearce as manager.

Quote: Tursiops @ June 28 2012, 6:08 PM BST

True but then again you don't win gold medals by appointing Stuart Pearce as manager.

No, but you do win silver and bronze at Euro level with the age group most likely to be playing at the Games. And with the addition of the non English players, might go the extra yard.

Does seem a touch rough that Beckham was one of the faces of the campaign used to get the Olympics, then he's left out. Still, I suppose he has his money to console him. He could get another tattoo or something.

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 5:01 PM BST

Its really good to see a Reopublican bench of judges rising above partisan politics (on both sides). And making a decision based on constitutional legal precedent.

Makes you believe the system could actually work...

They do it year in and year out. Their entire job is to judge whether a law is constitutional or not, but that has nothing to do with how good or bad the law is. This is a bad law that will probably be overturned, and rightly so.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 28 2012, 5:47 PM BST

Not me, the billion dollar private health care companies have been trying to sabotage this from the start and will continue to do so until people die. Then they can say 'look we told you this would happen' and a system that makes them even more money will be implimented.

I have zero faith in a government that spends trillions more than it earns spearheading a fair and cost-effective health care overhaul.

And hopefully replaced by something better funded, firmer and less exclusive.

Health care for all is a good thing isn't it?

And hopefully replaced by something better funded, firmer and less exclusive.

Health care for all is a good thing isn't it?

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 8:40 PM BST

Health care for all is a good thing isn't it?

That's Commie talk-!

Quote: sootyj @ June 28 2012, 8:40 PM BST

Health care for all is a good thing isn't it?

Of course. But this law barely squeaked by, with only one Republican voting for it (after the margin for passage had been met) and several dozen Democrats voted against it, with a critical few persuaded to change their minds with hundreds of millions of dollars in money for their states.

The bill was marketed with ridiculous claims from the president that it would insure tens of millions of people while actually saving families money. He claimed that people who were happy with their current employer-provided insurance could keep it, even though every study has showed that employers will drop their plans as soon as they are able to. I am 100% confident that my affordable and excellent employer-provided insurance will soon go away and I will be forced by the law to accept lesser coverage for more money.

The president famously argued again and again that forcing Americans to purchase insurance wasn't a form of taxation, yet the Supreme Court ruling upheld the bill by saying that it is a tax and is therefore lawful because Congress has the right to enact taxes.

There's little doubt in my mind that the president's campaign speeches will continue to claim that he never raised taxes on the middle class, and he'll do it with a straight face.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 9:00 PM BST

There's little doubt in my mind that the president's campaign speeches will continue to claim that he never raised taxes on the middle class, and he'll do it with a straight face.

Poor Middle Class... :(

Surely your anger should lie with the insurance companies. Who pick and choose clients, avoid payment and generally run the system to make vast profits. And to defend them are now going to pass on the excess onto you the customer.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2012, 9:00 PM BST

every study has showed that employers will drop their plans as soon as they are able to. I am 100% confident that my affordable and excellent employer-provided insurance will soon go away and I will be forced by the law to accept lesser coverage for more money.

This is true. American employers are going bust because they can no longer afford the health insurance premiums for their employees. In all the confusion, the private health companies have continued to jack up prices, all the while blaming Obama, Congress, etc.

Hell, at one point, these companies were refusing to give health insurance to children with pre-existing medical conditions because it wasn't cost effective.

When you factor in all the private middle men, the drug companies, the shareholders, the lawyers and the malpractice insurance scams, the basic cost of medicine and treatment is laden down by inscrutible layers of exploitative profiteering.

I hate to say it and I'd say it on few other things.

But the other Europeans have got it right. And both the US and the UK have got it wrong.

You spend way more than any other first world nation for mediocre health care results.

France, Holland etc all have health insurance schemes. With powerful government oversite to prevent too much bullshit from insurance companies.

It's nice to know that in a harsh recession, where making ends meet and keeping your head above water is a feat in itself, that the friendly banks have been artificially jacking up the percentages you pay on overdrafts, loans, credit cards and mortgages.

Even better is that no one from the banking industry was sacked, forced to resign, investigated or arrested.

According to the banks spokespeople, the firms involved have now tightened up their acts...after being found out and caught obviously.

What's it going to take to stop these evil mutha fudgers?

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