British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 155

The Death of Grass is a real zinger lots of unexpected stuff done matter of factly.

albeit if you're looking for probably the 2 best apocalyptic dystopias

"War Day" Whitley Streiber or "Alas Babylon" Pat Frank.

nb I found the The Pool of Fire kinda disapointing after the City of Lead and Gold. That one was seriously messed up.

Another very interesting read is "Unwind" a young adults book that mixes enforced organ donation, abortion politics and adventure in a quite unholy mix.

A fantastic book about Mafia nutcase Sammy Gravano

Btw If anyone can recommend any good mafia books I'd appreciate it


Don't know any Mafia books, I'm afraid. I don't have the stomach for real life crime books. :( But I like quite gory fiction.

Am reading:


I am reading Lolita at the moment. My coworker who is currently reading [/i]Fifty Shades of Grey[/i] is outraged at this. Um.

Ohhhhhh my god.

She's on the third book.

I'm guessing you mean that about her, not me.

:) 'Lolita' is very tame now, isn't it?

It's still quite creepy to be honest. It's pretty awful how 'tame' you can end up thinking it is, or how drawn into it you can be. Nabokov was very clever.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 23 2012, 7:42 PM BST

I'm guessing you mean that about her, not me.

Lol, yes.

:) Scatts' will attempt to re-read soon, ok!

Do! I am enjoying it, but it is difficult. I was particularly disturbed when he got himself off by rubbing her on his crotch as she lay across his lap. And she was apparently unwitting. Ew.

:) Yes agreed, very challenging regarding 'power' in relationships it is forever influx .

Funny blog about badly translated products in to English.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 23 2012, 7:55 PM BST

It's still quite creepy to be honest. It's pretty awful how 'tame' you can end up thinking it is, or how drawn into it you can be. Nabokov was very clever.

It's very funny, too. He's a great writer.

Quote: L.E. @ June 26 2012, 1:19 PM BST

Funny blog about badly translated products in to English.

I like Benign Girl. Great name for a sitcom.

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