Friday 25th January 2008 10:19pm [Edited]
11,156 posts
I'm very proud that I stood up to a bullying boss who made a month of my life hell and had just said something deeply personal to me, and called her a "A pig face, arse munching, c word with a personality that made Hitler look like a decent guy", before storming out of her office, annoucing to all the customers that the cups they went drinking out of had only been rinsed, not washed because she was too tight fisted to buy extra detergent, and left her with a load of angry customers.
I walked around the corner to a temping agency my friend worked out, told her what had happen and she made me a cup of tea and got me some work that very afternoon! Once of the few times I ever used the c word.
There are some much more naughty things I've done but I'm not proud of those!