British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 901

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 21 2012, 4:21 PM BST

More money and court time. At 68, the clock is ticking, both physically and mentally.

She's one terminal cancer diagnosis away from going all Gran Torino / Harry Brown on their asses.

thats it I'm never going to America I'd be shot as a heavily armed fellon.

Sad day for Derby as the six little Philpot kids are laid to rest. On the upside for Derby, it's six less children the Muslim sex gangs can shag.


RCP Out of pure curiosity.

What is the thought process that goes into a post like that?

Quote: zooo @ June 22 2012, 1:18 PM BST


Sorry zooo. I must admit, I am thinking fewer and fewer about my grammatical accuracy these days.

*shakes head in despair*

Quote: sootyj @ June 22 2012, 1:18 PM BST

RCP Out of pure curiosity.

What is the thought process that goes into a post like that?

It's called a joke. Something tragic has happened and to relieve the outrage, humour is produced to cope with the catastrophic events and create distance.

If you think the joke is in poor taste, then I would agree. But burning your kids alive to get a better house or coming to Britain to rape children is in much poorer taste.

But it's not a terribly good joke is it? I mean it's loosely connecting 2 news stories to increase shock value.

And the follow up statement isn't really a joke at all.

So was your purpose to amuse and entertain?

Quote: sootyj @ June 22 2012, 1:29 PM BST

So was your purpose to amuse and entertain?

I took it as a joke. A joke in poor taste, but clearly a joke in RC's well-known style.

Quote: sootyj @ June 22 2012, 1:29 PM BST

But it's not a terribly good joke is it? I mean it's loosely connecting 2 news stories to increase shock value.

It was a cracking joke, just in poor taste. Shame those children weren't a few years older, then we could have sat back in moral certainty that they should all be killed for being hooded ASBO chavs.

But as it is, they never realised their full potential for destroying society, so we'll never really know.

Jokes aren't simple things.
For example when ever I make a joke about Dave Cameron it is with the singular purpose of so humiliating him he dies.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 22 2012, 1:36 PM BST

It was a cracking joke, just in poor taste. Shame those children weren't a few years older, then we could have sat back in moral certainty that they should all be killed for being hooded ASBO chavs.

But as it is, they never realised their full potential for destroying society, so we'll never really know.

I dunno I don't think you'll be seeing it on a lolly stick anytime soon.

Quote: sootyj @ June 22 2012, 1:36 PM BST

Jokes aren't simple things.
For example when ever I make a joke about Dave Cameron it is with the singular purpose of so humiliating him he dies.

You always purposely mangle Trayvon Martin's name, so you're not the only BCG member who makes fun of dead children. ;)

Quote: sootyj @ June 22 2012, 1:36 PM BST

Jokes aren't simple things.

I really hope you are not playing the moral outrage card with me sootyj. Not only would it be massively hypocritical based on some of the jokes you've posted on here in the past, but it goes against your no taboos in comedy stance.

Quote: DaButt @ June 22 2012, 1:39 PM BST

You always purposely mangle Trayvon Martin's name, so you're not the only BCG member who makes fun of dead children. ;)

Well he was at the very least adolesent. With a hilarious comedy name (tray, crayon, tray on, rave on, I thank his parents for their poor judgement)

Besides it was more the antimuslim sentiment I am offending by.

I really am not bothered by, value Crispy Chav family buckets.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 22 2012, 1:39 PM BST

I really hope you are not playing the moral outrage card with me sootyj. Not only would it be massively hypocritical based on some of the jokes you've posted on here in the past, but it goes against your no taboos in comedy stance.

I have no moral outrage card in my pack, only extra jokers and an ace of spades (Barrack Obama)

I don't question tasteless jokes. Just curious about one where the offensiveness would seem to outweigh the humour.

I mean if I was going for a joke on this subject I'd be more thinking.

"Tragedy for the parents of the 6 kids, they can't claim housing benefit for their graves"

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