British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 885

Quote: Lazzard @ June 14 2012, 7:32 PM BST

Boris runs on, does a rolly-polly

Laughing out loud

Quote: DaButt @ June 14 2012, 7:14 PM BST

The one on the left looks exactly like him.

I still don't see it! But I shall have to accept everyone's word.

Ok here's a really simple one.

We get a table covered in custard pies.

Then get Boris drunk


It'll be epic.

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2012, 7:56 PM BST

I still don't see it! But I shall have to accept everyone's word.


Hmm, okay, okay. Maybe a bittttttt.

I can't believe anyone really noticed while watching the show, though.

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2012, 8:08 PM BST

Hmm, okay, okay. Maybe a bittttttt.

I can't believe anyone really noticed while watching the show, though.

I think they mentioned it on the DVD commentary: then people moaned and bitched about it, like they do.

Ahh. Blimmin' people!

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2012, 2:59 PM BST

In my first job as a care assisstant in a big day centre for the learning dissabled. I got matched up with a guy doing community service for affray and car theft and well a bit of a chav. Apart from the mild offence that my job was essentially considered a punishment. He turned up on time, did his job and seemed to get something from it.

It's great if he got something from it. Even better if the clients at the centre got something out of it as well. Perhaps it served as a sort of "diversional" theorpy for both parties.

'There are plenty of people who do.'

'And there are plenty of people who don't.'

'But why should I be one of those who don't?'

'Because you didn't.'

'Hang on, I've forgotten what we're talking about.'

'You haven't been mentioned in the Birthday Honours List.'

'That's it, that's it.'


Beatle Ringo Starr's birthplace has been saved from demolition

I like the Beatles, but I don't really care about the place where he didn't do anything other than be a kid.

But that's where he first hit upside down saucepans with a spoon! An auspicious place.

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2012, 12:19 PM BST

I mean offering a home educationalist to pop by a site and do f**k all once a month. Is so much cheaper than offering school places.

It also saves having the schooling of the children of people who actual pay for services disrupted by an influx of intimidating illiterates.

I'm growing of the opinion that if certain communal groups want certain areas of special prvillege. Is it too much to ask that those special special privilleges come at the const of some additional expectation.

I am absolutely bone sick of communities getting to opt out of education for their kids, or the bits they don't like. Indoctrinating your kids or making them functionally illiterate is not a good thing.


I've seen in a few places recently it seems it's not thought a necessity anymore for every school to have a library?
Presumably some idiots think 'it can all be found on the internet now' so there's no need to waste a room on actual books.
F**k off.

I think they all still have libraries.

But they're firing librarians. Because they need..... you know I can't even be bothered to think of some smart alec response. So someone doing an utterly pointless job, that won't inculcate a love of reading or even basic literacy. Because being able to read isn't the corner stone of all meaningful educational attainment.

And it really doesn't matter that more and more countries are turning out more skilled graduates than us, with better English literacy.

Quote: sootyj @ June 16 2012, 11:47 AM BST

And it really doesn't matter that more and more countries are turning out more skilled graduates than us, with better English literacy.

Yes, and even those who aren't graduates are bilingual and have excellent English. And for those children and adults who aren't great at the more academic areas, we provide...nothing. Then act shocked when people would rather hire Polish builders, who in Poland are respected as having a trade equal to a degree, because of their training schemes, and can speak two or more languages, and have bothered to come to another country to work let alone turn up at an interview with basic manners.
Oh look, I finally reached that age where I proclaim in public that this country is going to the dogs.

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