British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 875

If you were organising the show, how would you represent your English/Britishness?

Quote: reds @ June 13 2012, 2:27 PM BST

If you were organising the show, how would you represent your English/Britishness?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 13 2012, 2:17 PM BST

And jet fighters and knights on horseback and Jeremy Clarkson blowing up caravans.

Quote: Nogget @ June 13 2012, 2:23 PM BST

Britain's worldwide claim to fame is not countryside, or clouds, but its royal family and its arms industry. Clearly, we should just let the military display our magnificent range of armaments in a mock battle against the rest of the world, dressed up in racist stereotypical costumes. Prince Harry can do the outfits.

Why mock battles?

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 2:30 PM BST

Why mock battles?

I know you'd rather mock the disabled.

Quote: reds @ June 13 2012, 2:27 PM BST

If you were organising the show, how would you represent your English/Britishness?

Build the world's largest pub and the entire stadium could just sit there and get drunk and glass each other?

A reenactment of the Battle of Britain would be nice. Spitfires and Messerschmitts and V2s and bombs, but perhaps the UK aircraft could be piloted by Greeks so that the Germans could take out their pent-up Euro rage.

Aside from being brilliant at blowing up foreigns, we have an incredibly rich history of literature to draw upon -

King Arthur
Robin Hood
Conan Doyle

The list is long and distinguished. We also export a lot of music, but as Paul McCartney is already signed up, this is going to fall flat on it's arse.

Quote: Nogget @ June 13 2012, 2:38 PM BST

I know you'd rather mock the disabled.


mind you the above post is a wonderful example of everythingthat's wrong with this country

Quote: DaButt @ June 13 2012, 2:41 PM BST

Build the world's largest pub and the entire stadium could just sit there and get drunk and glass each other?

A reenactment of the Battle of Britain would be nice. Spitfires and Messerschmitts and V2s and bombs, but perhaps the UK aircraft could be piloted by Greeks so that the Germans could take out their pent-up Euro rage.

oi oi we won that battle!

I am slightly jealous of your national celebrations. No doubting, no hand wringing.

Just stars and stripes, a lusty rendition of a blood thirsty national anthem, fireworks and a fly by of stealth bombers.

How about some dancers dress up as bagless vacuum cleaners and wind up radios?

(it's pretty difficult to realise the things we are good at - financial services, product design and architecture - into an all singing, all dancing, razz-a-matangle)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 13 2012, 3:15 PM BST

How about some dancers dress up as bagless vacuum cleaners and wind up radios?

(it's pretty difficult to realise the things we are good at - financial services, product design and architecture - into an all singing, all dancing, razz-a-matangle)

You could have buildings and products singing about financial things.

*edit I didn't read your post correctly, very late and should be asleep.

Quote: reds @ June 13 2012, 3:19 PM BST

You could have buildings and products singing about financial things.

Still better then some bored sheep wandering around having a crap.

I think we should celebrate the golden days of empire by killing a quarter of the audience, giving a quarter diseases, robbing a quarter and raping the rest.

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 3:24 PM BST

I think we should celebrate the golden days of empire by killing a quarter of the audience, giving a quarter diseases, robbing a quarter and raping the rest.

We already did that building the Olympic Park.


So the makers of the new Hitman game are under fire for their 'sexist' new trailer, showing Agent 47 taking out a group of sexy nun-shaped assassins. What do you all reckon (below)?

I mean, I've watched this a couple of times now and sort of fail to see how it's sexist. The way I see it, yes the ladies are dressed like ho-bags, and yes he does kill them, but does that in itself make it sexist? I read someone use the argument that it sexualises the killing of women, But does it? I'm pretty sure that as soon as the bviolence starts, the comic style sexiness ends. Why don't people realise that showing sexy women isn't a bad thing, as long as you're not suggesting their intrinsic value is in that sexuality?

Y'all decide.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 13 2012, 3:29 PM BST

Y'all decide.

I've always been a bit confused by the 'woods for the trees' opinions out in the world. Everyone seems fine with playing a hired assassin who kills for money, but throw in some sexy nuns and everyone freaks out. Seems a very strange sliding scale of morality.

I also think it's kind of sexist that 99% of male video game characters are defined by just how much bloody violence they can inflict on others. I, for one, have never taken on an entire army of alien robots single handed, but still consider myself to be a man.

I find this depressing.

According to this survey it is cheaper to live in London than most capital cities in Australia.

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