British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 874

Dude that would be like righteous.

Next meetup in Middlesborough.

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 6:24 AM BST

Dude that would be like righteous.

Next meetup in Middlesborough.

I had to check this wasn't April 1st. That's crazy stuff.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 13 2012, 8:31 AM BST

I had to check this wasn't April 1st.

In fact it was 17 March.

Aw f**k sake sooty. It's too early for me to understand dates.

Stupid Guardian facebook app

Flagging up ancient stories

I am so glad I'm a Times reader now

Getting a very bad feeling about the Olympics opening ceremony.
The replica of Glastonbury Tor puts me in mind of Spinal Tap.

"Stone - enge!"

Opening ceremonies are always naff or bloated or overlong or embarrassing, but they're forgotten pretty quickly. Apart from by the poor bastards trapped in the arena watching them.

I'd prefer if it was organised by Frankie Boyle.

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 11:07 AM BST

I'd prefer if it was organised by Frankie Boyle.

Not Susan Boyle?

Everyone is already ripping the piss out of 'Emmer-fail Farm' as no one is calling it. I've seen FB posts about high speed trains plowing through it, the cows being turned into Big Macs to satisfy the sponsors, setting fire to the livestock to celebrate our glorious history of foot and mouth disease, etc.

It might not even happen, thanks to those loveable animal rights activists -

Dunno what those animal rights people are moaning about, surely sheep are better off having a day out than being slaughtered. Maybe just to keep them happy, we should have traditional smock-wearing slaughterers there, who dispatch all the animals in front of the dumb-struck crowds, just to make the animal's journey worthwhile.

Why should your girlfriend get the job?

But I am tired of how any big event in the UK has to be a confused mess of; politically right on, sentimentality and insanity.

It's the queens jubilee. Lets have a big river parade of slowmoving boats, that ones rowed by spastics and that one drops turds in the Humber.

Ooh its the olympics lets have 2 one eyed cum droplets as our mascots.

Hey it's the opening of the Olympics lets make an improbable fake country side and fill it with animal shit.

Agh! What happened to lions and patriotism and kicking French tourists up the arse?

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 2:11 PM BST

Agh! What happened to lions and patriotism and kicking French tourists up the arse?

And jet fighters and knights on horseback and Jeremy Clarkson blowing up caravans.

I know, let's build fake countryside in the most polluted city in Europe, that makes a shit ton of sense.

At least the French would have burned the sheep to light the torch if they'd got the Olympics.

It feels like nobody takes a pride in anything English or British anymore.

Or if we do its so confused and lost.

When as a country did we become so ashamed of ourselves?

36 billion for the olympics so we can look stoopid.

Britain's worldwide claim to fame is not countryside, or clouds, but its royal family and its arms industry. Clearly, we should just let the military display our magnificent range of armaments in a mock battle against the rest of the world, dressed up in racist stereotypical costumes. Prince Harry can do the outfits.

Quote: sootyj @ June 13 2012, 2:21 PM BST

When as a country did we become so ashamed of ourselves?

When we started sucking corporate cock for cash and using any spare change to entice foreigns to come to our country and buy our badly managed industries.

It is the elites of this once proud land who have sold everyone else down the river in exchange for filthy lucre.

Quote: Nogget @ June 13 2012, 2:23 PM BST

Clearly, we should just let the military display our magnificent range of armaments in a mock battle against the rest of the world, dressed up in racist stereotypical costumes. Prince Harry can do the outfits.

Throw in the cast of Downton Abbey and Doctor Who and I'd happily watch that all day long.

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