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I read the news today oh boy! Page 868

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:46 PM BST

he is actually expressing an opinion or if it's just one of his pretend ones, which really, I don't see the point of reading, no offence.

Did you seriously just express that sentiment? I have no idea if anyone on here has real opinions or pretend ones either, considering half are just going along with the crowd, half are fed their information directly from the Guardian and the other half (the ones who can't add up halves) are just trying to be liked on an Internet forum.

I'm as real as the next poster.

Quote: Tursiops @ June 12 2012, 6:33 PM BST

So not just one blow then.

I'm sure he was punched more than once, but a single punch can kill a person and the resulting fall is even more likely to do so.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 6:47 PM BST

The ones that question your previously held beliefs, obviously.

If I said in error that 2+2=5 and you questioned it, I'd carry on saying it was 5. Just to be spiteful (and childish).

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 6:50 PM BST

I think you just didn't get enough hugs growing up. Someone give the fella a hug at the next meatfest. A proper grizzly bear one.

Would that be a job for Bill?

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 6:50 PM BST

Did you seriously just express that sentiment? I have no idea if anyone on here has real opinions or pretend ones either, considering half are just going along with the crowd, half are fed their information directly from the Guardian and the other half (the ones who can't add up halves) are just trying to be liked on an Internet forum.

I'm as real as the next poster.

Most people don't go out of their way to post pretend opinions. I don't see the point of it. Let someone who genuinely holds that opinion come along and post it, and defend it in a genuine way. They'll probably do a better job of it, don't you think?
You are entitled to do so, however, and to believe that it's not a waste of everyone's time!

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 6:50 PM BST

I think you just didn't get enough hugs growing up. Someone give the fella a hug at the next meatfest. A proper grizzly bear one.

Yes, hug my meatfest.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 6:40 PM BST

Just because I mock the outrage of other's mock outrage doesn't mean I don't make a point or two along the way.

Your true liberal isn't outraged by anything you say. They respect and value peoples different views and opinions. It's your faux liberals that get wound up.

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:53 PM BST

You are entitled to do so, however, and to believe that it's not a waste of everyone's time!


*holds up handbag*

*then goes to the Cats thread to read zooo's pearls of wisdom*

Lol, I'm not saying my posts are not also a waste of everyones' time. But at least I'm genuinely pointless, and not putting it on. ;)

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:46 PM BST

I read enough into the post (and I'm not saying it's just Renegade's!) to tell if it's going to be annoying and then skip the rest. And if it is Renegade I read enough to see whether he is actually expressing an opinion or if it's just one of his pretend ones, which really, I don't see the point of reading, no offence.

Zooo master of the one inch internet punch

fear her

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 7:04 PM BST

fear her

Pah, I ejaculate in the face of fear and fondle the breasts of terror.

Do you know what posts I find a waste a time? Boringly predicatable dogmatic responses to any hot button issue. At least I put a bit of thought into my provocative posts.

Yes, provocative, not 'wind up', please issue the right amount of respect for my musings on the world.

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 6:50 PM BST

Unharmed except for emotional trauma, that is. And medical evidence can (and probably will) be in the form of DNA.

Seeing her Dad beat someone to death with his bare hands could equally be the cause of that trauma. And unless the attacker/victim (delta according to prejudice) shot his wad, which would actually be fairly conclusive in itself, DNA is not going to prove much more than that he was there, which his corpse has pretty much already established.

I am not advocating either the man's guilt or innocence, I am only wondering why someone would be so absolutely convinced the police had called it right based on a press report which raise more questions than answers.

I strongly believe in the right to use force to protect yourself, your loved ones, and indeed passing strangers. But it can be quite difficult to size up situations on the spur of the moment. The last time I intervened in a fracas it was to put someone in headlock who was also trying to break up the fracas.

Damn I really must stop looking in this thread.

You'd be a fabulous human being if you could occaisonally moderate your responses

not everyone is always playing

You'd be a fabulous human being if you could occaisonally moderate your responses

not everyone is always playing

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 7:12 PM BST

You'd be a fabulous human being if you could occaisonally moderate your responses

not everyone is always playing

You know, I'm always getting the Newsnight Serious Political Forum mixed up with the British Comedy Forum. I can only apologise.

EDIT: And thanks for saying I'm fabulous. I think you are great too. In fact, I would pay money to see a whole evening of your Will Cam sketches and for once I'm being totally serious. They crack me up every time.

really I assumed you thought it was the singles forum for Broadmoor

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 7:19 PM BST

really I assumed you thought it was the singles forum for Broadmoor

Easily done.

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