British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 867

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 3:25 PM BST

the man died of blunt force injuries to his head and neck.

So not just one blow then.

I can't stand the hypocrisy of non-regilious people getting married in churches. Really drives my tits. Particularly the ones who identify themselves as Athiest.

I think religion is stupid, but I certainly respect peoples' right to their stupidity. I don't expect anyone to persecute someone for religious beliefs, the same way I don't expect modern religious institutions to persecute others, especially thopse who don't even want anything to do with all that nonsense.

If people were trying to hang rainbow flags in mosques and sinagogues that wouldn't be okay. It's not even like anyone has ever suggested the possibility of same sex marriage in churches and all of the organised religions in the UK are bitching and whining. Exclude who you want from your mad secret club, fine, but let people be equal outside of it.

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:27 PM BST

For realz.

And yes I am leaving this thread now.

Heh. I just skim over the posts in this news thread that I can tell are going to be annoying. And life is much better for it. ;)

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:36 PM BST

Heh. I just skim over the posts in this news thread that I can tell are going to be annoying. And life is much better for it. ;)

Just because I mock the outrage of other's mock outrage doesn't mean I don't make a point or two along the way.

Besides, you have like 20 other forum members who think the same way you do, so it's not like I won't hear your opinion. (only joking) ;) :P

Sorry I just skimmed that, no idea if you were talking to me... ;)

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:41 PM BST

Sorry I just skimmed that, no idea if you were talking to me... ;)

You should read! He might wind people up for a giggle, but that doesn't mean he doesn't put across a compelling argument. Plus if we don't read, how will we know we're outraged?!

Quote: zooo @ June 12 2012, 6:41 PM BST

Sorry I just skimmed that, no idea if you were talking to me... ;)

Don't worry luv, it would have gone over head anyway. What time is your EastEnders on tonight? ;)

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 6:43 PM BST

You should read! He might wind people up for a giggle, but that doesn't mean he doesn't put across a compelling argument. Plus if we don't read, how will we know we're outraged?!

Valid, but how will we also know which ones to take seriously?

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 6:43 PM BST

He might wind people up for a giggle, but that doesn't mean he doesn't put across a compelling argument.

That is genuinely the nicest thing someone has said about me on this forum...ever!


I read enough into the post (and I'm not saying it's just Renegade's!) to tell if it's going to be annoying and then skip the rest. And if it is Renegade I read enough to see whether he is actually expressing an opinion or if it's just one of his pretend ones, which really, I don't see the point of reading, no offence.

Quote: Booo @ June 12 2012, 6:45 PM BST

Valid, but how will we also know which ones to take seriously?

The ones that question your previously held beliefs, obviously.

Quote: Booo @ June 12 2012, 6:45 PM BST

Valid, but how will we also know which ones to take seriously?

They're pretty easy to tell apart. The well written and thoroughly reasoned ones are the valid posts, and the ones where he goes from A to C and accuses you of eating babies or something are probably the windy-uppy ones.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 6:47 PM BST

The ones that question your previously held beliefs, obviously.

Like this one!

Quote: Tursiops @ June 12 2012, 6:31 PM BST

According to the sheriff the daughter was unharmed, so presumably there is no medical evidence of abuse.

Unharmed except for emotional trauma, that is. And medical evidence can (and probably will) be in the form of DNA.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 6:46 PM BST

That is genuinely the nicest thing someone has said about me on this forum...ever!


I think you just didn't get enough hugs growing up. Someone give the fella a hug at the next meatfest. A proper grizzly bear one.

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