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I read the news today oh boy! Page 861

Quote: Nogget @ June 12 2012, 12:39 PM BST

Well of course I've done that! The only other way is to do something ridiculous like reserve judgement until it's all been investigated.

That would be far too sensible and level headed and I, for one, will not be a part of it.

However, I think the real 'elephant in the room' for the lib-tards isn't the case itself, but DaButt's perceived pleasure from vigilante justice. This has made many people on here uncomfortable and flys in the face of a live and let live philosophy.

The lack of a coherent and fair judicial system, where money can buy you freedom and paltry sentences are handed out for major crimes, can result in a desire for instant justice.

This case also resonates because of the parties involved and the innate fear of a child being harmed, particularly by those who have raised children. So I can totally understand DaButt's point of view without having to necessarily agree or disagree with it.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 12:58 PM BST

This case also resonates because of the parties involved and the innate fear of a child being harmed, particularly by those who have raised children.

Yes, because obviously only if you've had a child can you find the idea of abuse of one abhorrent.

Quote: chipolata @ June 12 2012, 1:01 PM BST

Yes, because obviously only if you've had a child can you find the idea of abuse of one abhorrent.

Based on some of the comments written over the last few pages, that would appear to be the case.

It goes without saying that people play favourites based on their own personal circumstances - Chappers would like to see the death penalty for anyone who abused an animal - but seems to be okay with violence against humans.

So yeah, I'd say having kids would make you more sensitive to crimes involving children.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 11:04 AM BST

I mean did the supposed abuser have any kind of a record??

According to the article, no.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 1:05 PM BST

So yeah, I'd say having kids would make you more sensitive to crimes involving children.

Although ironically many crimes involving children are actually perpetrated by those with children, which is why it's perfectly fair to question whether the father is all he seems.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 12:58 PM BST

However, I think the real 'elephant in the room' for the lib-tards isn't the case itself, but DaButt's perceived pleasure from vigilante justice. This has made many people on here uncomfortable and flys in the face of a live and let live philosophy.

I suspect that part of the unease is the vicarious thrill and sense of vindication which comes across in his posts. This is a man with guns, and apparently something of an itch. Do you remember the case a good few years back of the lost English tourist who was blown away by an American homeowner defending his property? I am not sure I would want to knock on DaButt's door asking for directions.

Oh, and Jeremy Clarkson would be embarrassed to have come-up with 'lib-tards'.

I'm not a liberal.

But then I'm not sure you understand what the word means.

And none of us decide the situation. Except lets be really, really simple here.

Ours and the Americans legal system is based on ideas thousands of years old. Ideas like "reasonable doubt"

And there is something dehumanising about revelling in violent, extralegal justice. You'd be surprised how many conservatives feel that way.

I think it's about time we all clubbed together and paid for Dabutt and RC to have a night in a hotel together. Some place nice, no budget crap. Good room service.

(I haven't really read any of the posts about whatever this case is. I just think those two are made for each other and it's cruel that an ocean is keeping them apart. )

Whistling nnocently

Ooh mean Stott!

This argument frustrates for professional reasons I can't say half the things I'd like to.

But if you have any involvement in preventing abuse you rapidly learn there are 2 approaches.

1 "Abusers must be punished"
2 "CHildren must be protected"

If you really care about kids you try for both. All to often those who love mobs and brutality really care about the first.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 1:43 PM BST

Ooh mean Stott!

I was but jesting, no harm done. Cool

Careful neither of them beat you to death on shaky evidence.

Quote: Tursiops @ June 12 2012, 1:28 PM BST

This is a man with guns, and apparently something of an itch. Do you remember the case a good few years back of the lost English tourist who was blown away by an American homeowner defending his property? I am not sure I would want to knock on DaButt's door asking for directions.

Inferring that DaButt is a trigger happy murderer is a bit beyond the pale isn't it? I mean, if DaButt replied that you are the type of guy who upon seeing a woman being raped, would be the first to avert your gaze, turn up your iPod and keep walking, how would that make you feel?

Let's try and keep this within the realms of the argument and not descend to personal attacks. I did use the words 'perceived pleasure' - whether DaButt gets genuine pleasure from the death of a child molestor is not for me to say.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 12 2012, 1:33 PM BST

I think it's about time we all clubbed together and paid for Dabutt and RC to have a night in a hotel together. Some place nice, no budget crap. Good room service.

As long as Kenneth is supplying the hookers then I'm cool with that. Unless it's the same hotel that Stott and Noggett had their civil partnership honeymoon, then no thanks.

DaButt generally comes over a profoundly nice guy (hey he bought me a pint he's alright). Not to mention about one of the most tolerant and accepting people on this forum.

And he only bought his first shooter a year or so ago.

All this makes me a little more sad over some of his more conservative views. Because if a good guy thinks that way about being killed....

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 2:08 PM BST

Because if a good guy thinks that way about being killed....

I don't think it's so much about the molestor being killed, but the father not being dragged to court on trumped up charges to satisfy a PC mob.

Also, if the molestor is no longer around, he won't get out of jail in four years time and start molesting again.

I'm thinking also about the Trayvon case.

Trumped up? He killed a guy, it atleast deserves an investigation.

But as ever I believe DaButt actually believe what he types.

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