British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 859

Quote: Oldrocker @ June 12 2012, 12:44 AM BST

And being a parent is a life changing experience.

I can't imagine a bigger one.

I can't see how this comment adds anything since this is what I'm agreeing with.

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 12:43 AM BST

but here in Texas:

Ooh, it was written by angels. Angelic

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 12:45 AM BST

I can't see how this comment adds anything since this is what I'm agreeing with.

Just agreeing with you .


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 12:46 AM BST

Ooh, it was written by angels. Angelic

It wasn't easy getting rid of them, it took about 5 tries.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 12:42 AM BST

But you've also learned to type with them.

I'm certainly glad this argument hasn't become emotive. Whistling nnocently

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 12:48 AM BST

It wasn't easy getting rid of them, it took about 5 tries.

You kill da angels? You bad man and Satan face.

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 12:22 AM BST

I could continue chasing sootyj as he chases his tail all night, but why bother? It call comes down to this as far as I'm concerned:

Any parent who sees his child being molested is expected to use any means necessary to stop the assault, be it a knife, a gun, a lead pipe or a nail-studded baseball bat. (Kudos to this guy for doing it with his bare fists.)

Any parent who injures or kills his child's attacker should be treated with as much respect and sympathy as possible. He/she shouldn't have to spend more than a few hours (at most) being grilled about the incident before being released to be with his/her family. The parent shouldn't be paraded in front of cameras, made to spend time behind bars or forced to mortgage their home in order to retain their freedom.

Some interesting points but lets pull tease them out.

1 Should a person accused of a crime be protected from unreasonable imprisonment or loss of privacy. Of course.

2 Should a person stopping a crime taking place that requires them to use force, lethal possibly be allowed to use said force? Of course.

3 Should a person who carries out what may be considered a potential crime be expected to give a reasonable account of themselves? You see heres where we differ.

If you found your neighbour in the act of molesting your cat and you shot him full of holes. Good for you DaButt I don't think you should spent a minute in jail. I'd like to think though that the forces of law made at least a passable attempt to test your case.

That's not locking you up or sweating you down for hours and bopping you on the head with a telephone directory.

It's recording your story, examining it. And asking you it again a few weeks later to make sure it matches.

It's making sure some one else checks over the paper work in the investigation and is happy.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 12:50 AM BST

3 Should a person who carries out what may be considered a potential crime be expected to give a reasonable account of themselves? You see heres where we differ.

If you found your neighbour in the act of molesting your cat and you shot him full of holes. Good for you DaButt I don't think you should spent a minute in jail. I'd like to think though that the forces of law made at least a passable attempt to test your case.

That's not locking you up or sweating you down for hours and bopping you on the head with a telephone directory.

It's recording your story, examining it. And asking you it again a few weeks later to make sure it matches.

It's making sure some one else checks over the paper work in the investigation and is happy.

And has all of the above already been done or currently in the process of being done? Yes.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 12:50 AM BST

It's recording your story, examining it. And asking you it again a few weeks later to make sure it matches.

It's making sure some one else checks over the paper work in the investigation and is happy.

Isn't this what the police did at the time or am I being fick?

Well then lets all lay off judgement till the crucial second and third set of interviews? This feels like another case where the investigation is wrapping up before the corpse has called.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 1:06 AM BST

the investigation is wrapping up before the corpse has called.

Surely you mean cooled - unless you've gone all 21st century with your psychic medium business.

Which reminds me, I did get that email from Elvis, thank you very much, oh mystic one.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 12 2012, 12:25 AM BST

Yep, crb system is an absolute nightmare. It's like a teacher having fake child assault accusations thrown against them, they are found guilty, but permanently barred from their profession. What's the point in finding someone innocent if their life is still permanently ruined?

Its POVA you're thinking or POCA. Controversial and uneasy legislation. Basically CRB picks up if you've got a criminal record yes or no. POVA asks have you ever been investigated? On how many occaisons?

On the one hand its designed to catch those slippery souls who offend and never get caught.

And on the flip side its an unaccountable government agency that can ban you from working on heresay.

Personally I think it's dangerous and its effects have been pretty awful.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 12 2012, 1:09 AM BST

Surely you mean cooled - unless you've gone all 21st century with your psychic medium business.

Which reminds me, I did get that email from Elvis, thank you very much, oh mystic one.

Yeh word displacement is pretty standard for dyspraxia.

But yes I meant cooled.

Quote: sootyj @ June 12 2012, 1:06 AM BST

Well then lets all lay off judgement till the crucial second and third set of interviews?

Don't forget that the daughter was medically examined and most likely recounted the events of the day.

Quote: DaButt @ June 12 2012, 1:19 AM BST

Don't forget that the daughter was medically examined and most likely recounted the events of the day.

Let's hope they DNA swabbed her AND her bed and bedding, before they let the 4-year-old recount the events of the day, as 4-year-olds are well-known for their memory, verbosity and reliability..

..and without any parent in the room, so there can't be any coaching.

BTW Any witnesses?

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ June 12 2012, 1:28 AM BST

BTW Any witnesses?


So.. any witnesses?

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