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I read the news today oh boy! Page 855

Quote: Nat Wicks @ June 11 2012, 7:25 PM BST

Cheeky f**king Cameron 'doesn't blame' his security team for leaving his 8 year old girl at a pub. F**king right, blame yourselves you idiots.

Silly sod.
Still he's got balls; he was flaming General Miek Jackson and General Petraeus and they're both double hard bastards.

Quote: Nogget @ June 11 2012, 5:18 PM BST

Apologies, although it's worth noting that some of us (me) don't always (or even often) click a link if there's no supporting text.

No apology needed. But the comment is noted. My style (if you really want to trawl back through 18 months or so of posts) isn't to add a vast amount of supporting text but I will endeavour to be a little more effusive in future to attract greater attention.

Quote: KLRiley @ June 11 2012, 8:38 PM BST

but I will endeavour to be a little more effusive in future to attract greater attention.

Well, woo-hoo-hoo. Effusive is it? Someone's been at the alphabetti spaghetti tonight.


Good for him:

It's like a real life episode of Walker Texas Ranger.

Of course one hopes a thorough investigation is carried out.

You do know the meaning of the word 'alleged'?

Quote: Tursiops @ June 11 2012, 10:42 PM BST

You do know the meaning of the word 'alleged'?

Yes, it's a stupid word that stupid lawyers make stupid news outlets use to describe something someone saw with their own eyes.

The father walked in, saw the man molesting his 4-year-old daughter and managed to kill him with his fists. In another story I read, the police reported that the man didn't intend to kill him and was sorry that the man died. I wouldn't have been.

Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2012, 10:48 PM BST

The father walked in, saw the man molesting his 4-year-old daughter and managed to kill him with his fists. In another story I read, the police reported that the man didn't intend to kill him and was sorry that the man died. I wouldn't have been.

If that's how it happened, then good for the police/judge/whoever made the decision.

Quote: DaButt @ June 11 2012, 10:48 PM BST

Yes, it's a stupid word that stupid lawyers make stupid news outlets use to describe something someone saw with their own eyes.

The father walked in, saw the man molesting his 4-year-old daughter and managed to kill him with his fists. In another story I read, the police reported that the man didn't intend to kill him and was sorry that the man died. I wouldn't have been.

Ok just that the "he was a molester/rapist I lost control" argument. Has been used on too many occaisons to get away with murder.

So just as long as the decision not to arrest or prosecute. Is based on decent evidence then alls cool

DaButt if someone ever accuses you of a crime. You may be fairly glad of the word alleged.

Or in another version of events a man with no criminal record and a perfectly good reason for being on the property accidentally startles a small child who had been made terrified of strangers by an over-protective father, and the father leaps to conclusions and beats him to death with his bare fists without giving him any chance to explain.

You don't know; neither do I. So stop gloating over every act of vigilantism. It is a bit sick and sad.

Quote: Tursiops @ June 11 2012, 10:55 PM BST

Or in another version of events a man with no criminal record and a perfectly good reason for being on the property accidentally startles a small child who had been made terrified of strangers by an over-protective father, and the father leaps to conclusions and beats him to death with his bare fists without giving him any chance to explain.

You don't know; neither do I. So stop gloating over every act of vigilantism. It is a bit sick and sad.


Quote: sootyj @ June 11 2012, 10:53 PM BST

DaButt if someone ever accuses you of a crime. You may be fairly glad of the word alleged.


Quote: Nogget @ June 11 2012, 12:40 PM BST

David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, left their eight-year-old daughter, Nancy, in a pub after having Sunday lunch, Downing Street has confirmed.

She is reported to have spent a quarter of an hour at the Plough Inn at Cadsden, in Buckinghamshire, before Mr Cameron returned to collect her.

No reason to believe Mr and Mrs Cameron are not very loving parents, but this is a bit weird.

My earliest memories are of being stuffed in a pub corner with a shandy and crisps for hours on end, but I never remember my totally bladdered mum or dad forgetting me.

Quote: youngian @ June 11 2012, 11:00 PM BST

No reason to believe Mr and Mrs Cameron are not very loving parents, but this is a bit weird.

My earliest memories are of being stuffed in a pub corner with a shandy and crisps for hours on end, but I never remember my totally bladdered mum or dad forgetting me.

Or one day being at the pub for a very long time and having a completely diferent set of mum and dad.

Kids forget so very much.

On Twitter hundreds of people have been reminiscing about being left somewhere by accident for a bit, or leaving their kid somewhere. I think it's pretty common!

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