Kev F
Wednesday 13th June 2012 10:40pm
689 posts
Calling all comedy writers, actors and comedians - July 20th sees the latest Manchester Sitcom Trials, part of the Greater Manchester Fringe Festival, and you are invited to enter.
As ever in The Sitcom Trials, we will be showcasing five mini sitcoms (live on stage at The Lass O'Gowrie in Manchester) and letting the audience vote for which one they like best. We are now putting out the call for fresh sitcom scripts. From you.
If you want the chance of having your sitcom showcased in this ever-popular comedy showcase, regularly attended by representatives of the TV and comedy biz, all you need to do is write 10 minutes of situation comedy. There's a Sitcom Trials format to write to (see below) but most importantly we want it funny and we'll try and do it justice.
Deadline for script entries is midnight Sat 30th June - a very short deadline we know, which is why we will be welcoming back scripts that you may have entered into previous Trials (hoping you've learnt from their past experience in the voting and maybe rewritten them accordingly).
Then the deadline for voting (where readers and writers get to help choose the scripts) is midnight Saturday 14th July - everyone is invited to join in this process, to which we've given longer than before so the maximum number of people can participate.
If you want to enter a script, simply upload your scripts to the SitsVac files. First read The Brief below for guidelines.
If you have any questions about The Sitcom Trials you can ask at
The Sits Vac Forum
Here on The British Comedy Guide Forum
or on Facebook
The Sitcom Trials Manchester
Friday July 30 2012
The Lass O'Gowrie
36 Charles Street Manchester M1 7DB
8pm - 9.30pm £3
THE BRIEF for submission to The Sitcom Trials
The Sitcom Trials wants situation comedy scripts that a small group of actors can perform in a live environment with minimal stage in front of an audience, who will hopefully laugh. Ideally these sitcoms will be so marvellous that the TV & radio industry representatives in the audience will snap them up immediately.
Your script must have a first 'half' of no more than 8 minutes This first half should end in a cliffhanger, or something that leaves the audience wanting more.
It must then have a final scene of 2 or 3 minutes long. This will be performed only if your sitcom is the winner on the night
Your script must have NO MORE THAN 4 CHARACTERS. Ideally 2 boys 2 girls. If you can write a script with just 2 or 3 characters, all the better.
The sitcoms we are to test out in our regular pub theatre shows with an eye to them being developed for TV must be
PERFORMABLE LIVE (ie no filmed or location inserts)
Think in terms of a radio script.
We are particularly interested to hear from writer-performers, especially those with an on-stage track record (eg Edinburgh) who would present their own sitcom as a self contained package. To demonstrate your live potential we would need to see a video, ideally a link to a YouTube video, which we can judge alongside the script. Please include the video link as part of the script.
Upload your entries to the appropriate folder in the files section of the egroup:
Deadline for script entries - see latest SitsVac egroup notice or
Deadline for reviewing and voting for scripts - see as above.
All members of the SitsVac egroup, you included, will be invited to read, review, and vote on all scripts in contention. Vote YES, MAYBE or NO as to each one's potential and add a short one paragraph review. Send reviews including Yes/Maybe/No votes either to the Sits Vac message board. or to the British Comedy Guide Forum.
Writers are welcome to vote on their own scripts.
Votes are then totalled thus; Yes = 2 points, Maybe = 1 point, No = minus -1 point. This way we draw up a shortlist for a script reading, from which we select the items to go into the stage show.
Any questions, ask the egroup so we can all benefit from the answers.
Happy scribbling
Kev F Sutherland
Producer and Presenter