British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 853

Quote: KLRiley @ June 11 2012, 7:37 AM BST

Good to know he's so organised.

"When the prime minister returned to collect Nancy he found her helping staff."

She doesn't take after her father, it seems...

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ June 7 2012, 1:55 PM BST

I think 60 years of Her Maj has probably generated more money for this country then Rooney, Beckham and the Beatles put together.

Easily, but I wouldn't give her all the credit. When you say our royal family generate wealth for Britain, you're talking probably more about the past royal families and their legacy than EII and the Windsors. We really have the Plantaganets and Tudors to thank for the bulk of our tourism trade, the current lot are merely the icing on the rich cake. (victoria sponge)

Quote: KLRiley @ June 11 2012, 7:37 AM BST

Good to know he's so organised.

Epic fail Al Quaeda!

Quote: Tursiops @ June 10 2012, 10:22 AM BST

Victorian explorers shocked by prevalence of homosexuality, rape, paedophilia and necrophilia among penguins.

They left all that out of Happy Feet.

This is old news. Sootyj has been writing sketches about rapist penguins for ages :P

Quote: Will Cam @ June 11 2012, 8:49 AM BST

This is old news. Sootyj has been writing sketches about my raping penguins for ages :P

Those are not sketches

they are legal warnings from London Zoo.

You illiterate bestial sodomite

Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud

David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, left their eight-year-old daughter, Nancy, in a pub after having Sunday lunch, Downing Street has confirmed.

She is reported to have spent a quarter of an hour at the Plough Inn at Cadsden, in Buckinghamshire, before Mr Cameron returned to collect her.

This is what comes of being too mean to spring for Sunday lunch for the nanny.

And an eight year old girl is way easier to look after than an entire country. We're definitely all going to die.

Quote: Nogget @ June 11 2012, 12:40 PM BST

David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, left their eight-year-old daughter, Nancy, in a pub after having Sunday lunch, Downing Street has confirmed.

She is reported to have spent a quarter of an hour at the Plough Inn at Cadsden, in Buckinghamshire, before Mr Cameron returned to collect her.

Keep up. I'd already posted the same story at the same link about three hours ago. ;)

The Plough Inn have got a shitload of publicity! Well done them. I reckon they hid her.

Quote: zooo @ June 11 2012, 12:51 PM BST

The Plough Inn have got a shitload of publicity! Well done them. I reckon they hid her.

I just love the timing. Same day as the new 'difficult families' strategy and the NSPCC figures. Perhaps its Comedy Dave's attempt to prove we really are all in this together as he can be an inept parent too.

I hate people who take their kids to pubs. It's not on.

Congratulations to James Corden on his Tony win.

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