British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 153

The Last King of Scotland. Not bad but not brilliant. Could be one of those cases where the film is better than the book, though I've not watched the film yet.

And The Way of a Boy. Childhood memoirs set in WWII POW camps don't get much better than this.

The book is brilliant the film mediocre except for the barn storming idi

Maybe one of thise thins where you have to be interested in the histiry first

Eg I found his book on ladysmith dull

Quote: sootyj @ May 6 2012, 3:16 PM BST

The book is brilliant the film mediocre except for the barn storming idi

Maybe one of thise thins where you have to be interested in the histiry first

I have read much on Uganda and Idi Amin, being quite interested in such stuff. Book was a teensy bit underwhelming as the doctor character was a bit of a bore.

'Annie Dunne' - Sebastien Barry. Not aware of a plot as such, yet, but it's a fascinating picture of life in rural Ireland in the 40's.

I'm reading Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber. It's a really interesting book of short stories that are reworkings of fairy tales with empowered, thinking female characters.

Working my way through Neil Gaiman's 'Sandman'.

Quote: Harridan @ June 5 2012, 5:55 PM BST

I'm reading Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber. It's a really interesting book of short stories that are reworkings of fairy tales with empowered, thinking female characters.

I read that for college. Is more fun than it sounds!

:) I remember The Magic Toyshop' very brilliant and fitted in with my theories of powerful women and stuff.

I have an Edith Wharton to read, but bloody internet interferes with ALL my reading; indeed only read 10 pages of Marc.p crime novel, but he's going on hol' with me.

Marc,p never answered my question! Pleased

Aunts Aren't Gentleman, P.G. Wodehouse's last completed novel. Top stuff, especially the Shakespeare joke on page 30.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 6 2012, 3:41 PM BST

I have read much on Uganda and Idi Amin, being quite interested in such stuff. Book was a teensy bit underwhelming as the doctor character was a bit of a bore.

That is definitely the weakest point.

It smacked strongly of the story being only understandable through a white european lens. Which was actually kinda sad.

Quote: Harridan @ June 5 2012, 5:55 PM BST

I'm reading Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber. It's a really interesting book of short stories that are reworkings of fairy tales with empowered, thinking female characters.

I really like that book, though I have slight objections to her (imho unsuccessful) attempts to reclaim the C word.

;) Tee Hee,0,5622415.story

Truly sad news

:( 'Farenheight 451' brilliant dystopian insight into a future that is NOW!

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