I too (male) get "felt up" in queues sometimes.. always by other males..
..but not for long..
Outburst! SMACK/Back off!
I too (male) get "felt up" in queues sometimes.. always by other males..
..but not for long..
Outburst! SMACK/Back off!
Are you Will Smith?
I hate it when it rains just enough to make cutting the grass 10x more difficult than usual. It was the lightest and briefest of sprinkles under blazing sun, so now my lawnmower's battery has depleted with 10% of the grass uncut, it's extremely humid and I'm afraid to drag out the corded edger lest I electrocute myself.
I forgot the worst part: I noticed a snake in the grass with about 2 inches of its tail cut off. It looked sort of like a rattlesnake -- minus the rattly bits, of course.
Sorry, little fella.
Quote: keewik @ May 31 2012, 4:42 PM BSTGod, I wish I'd the nerve to do that. I only go so far as to move pointedly and put my hand over the machine when somebody stands too close at a check-out as I enter my pin number.
Always put your hand over the PIN machine in any case, because most shops with PIN payment also have recording video cameras in the ceiling and you don't know who might be looking then or later. The most common cameras look like black hemi-spheres about 3 inches across.
Quote: zooo @ May 31 2012, 6:52 PM BSTThe letters K and I.
? wassup K & I ?
Quote: billwill @ June 1 2012, 12:00 AM BSTAlways put your hand over the PIN machine in any case, because most shops with PIN payment also have recording video cameras in the ceiling and you don't know who might be looking then or later.
Top tip! I'll be more careful in future.
Everytime this week I have been waiting in the rain for a bus it has been 10 mins or more late.
Amazingly sunny here for a change! hayfever time though
Quote: dellas @ June 1 2012, 12:48 PM BST
Amazingly sunny here for a change! hayfever time though
mmm. Think I am slightly allergic to a pollen or something at the moment. I keep sneezing/ having a runny nose in the morning. It's not that bad except that everyone thinks that I have the flu/cold. It's a bit late for autmn allergies.
Quote: dellas @ June 1 2012, 12:48 PM BST:hayfever time
Be glad you don't live here in south Texas.
The Diamond Jubilee. I'm not a monarchist, and I don't give a damn about the whole thing.
DITTO! I'm still less than delighted to find my street is being closed off from noon till 8 p.m. for a bloody street party which will probably only be attended by 5 folk and a dog - probably one of half a dozen such parties in the entire length and breadth of Scotland. However I plan to flee at 9.30 a.m. and head for the hills and the sea.
I don't mind it. It's making a lot of pensioners happy. That's no bad thing.
Obviously these old bastards are demented and should be put down ( feeling extreme at the moment). And what f**king numpty calls his mother 'My Mama' outwith the 19th century?